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Paceline forum attacked

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Joined: 10 Jan 2004
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Location: SE Pa, USA

12/30/23 10:35 AM

Paceline forum attacked

Weird. Its been down 3 days. Their admin is in a rehab hospital with a tbi following a cycling accident. While there, someone told their host that they were posting "objectionable content" so host emails admin several times. He doesn't see them, of course, so host shuts down forum.
Some mods are trying to fix it. According to their facebook page, they think they know who/why did it...
Seems this is a cybercrime but given that its not a for profit entity unlikely anyone will care.

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Joined: 08 Dec 2003
Posts: 19183
Location: PDX

12/30/23 3:05 PM

As I understand it, it was actually reported to the host [go daddy] and Keith/Admin is down hard from a bike spill and the Host RFI went unanswered. Host blocked the IP.

The nature of the reporting to host was false flag, perp knew Keith could/wouldn't answer host. Disgruntled douche of unspecified origin, got his jollies apparently.

EDIT: Clearer explanation.

"What happened was a large pharmaceutical company, who must have bots scanning the web detected a post from a member here asking a question and having a conversation about a product they this company produces. The company flagged that comment as "dangerous to the health and safety of the public" - and submitted a complaint to our hosting site. (I looked at the comment and it seemed fine to me....)

The hosting site tried to reach Keith, but since he was unavailable, they pulled the plug on the server.

So it was a single post and a couple of unanswered emails that caused them to shut the whole place down. "

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