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A/B comparison 1x11 VS 2x11 for a hill repeat...

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Joined: 08 Dec 2003
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Location: PDX

7/15/22 9:56 AM

A/B comparison 1x11 VS 2x11 for a hill repeat...

This is a 25 mile out and back loop I use when I get pissed at myself for climbing like a mope to train up a little. 10 or so days of this I always get noticeably better going up. So it is in there still, which is good. But each season this get harder and the results come slower. But I am stubborn.

This is a good Hill repeat route, as it traverses a cemetery. So when you die on the hill doing repeats, they just bury you and your bike. ;O

Day one; Boone Disc 1x11 38 by 11-42. [Low 24 GI]

Day two Nago EP 2x11 34/50 by 11-30. [low 30GI]

But yeah, old fart climbing gears, guilty. Bike nearly same weight rolling.

Subject Hill is 1.5 mile gradual climb with one spot for 300' that is pretty steep. Old farts bring gears for that spot. ;) It is 50' gain in 1/10th mile 3/4 the way to top FWIW. That is a stinger section for most, is for me.

Lowest gear of 38/42 was past point of no return. Like MTN gear @ 24 GI.

So I used the 38/36 Boon and 34/30 Nago which is a 2 GI difference in favor of Boone.

Biggest difference in bikes was wheels/tires on Nago a bunch lighter. Low profile carbons 27mm tires VS taller carbon disc with 35mm tire and bigger latex tubes for the bigger tires. [33mm tires that air up big]

I was surprised that the Boone wheels spun up with out notice of more rotational mass. With all the benefits of the cush of fat tires. Even in the that approx 15% section.

I wondered if I had done the Nago first day, considering I felt the 1st day in my legs 2nd day.

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Joined: 08 Dec 2003
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7/15/22 11:14 AM

BTW, 82 year old cycling friend post dual hip replacement [Elaine's Dr. referal] not been riding much. We used to ride a lot 5 years ago.

So before hitting the hill yesterday I stopped and test rode a ALR E-Domane, re-con for him. Battery was too low to get any idea.

We were supposed to go test ride them together today, with them fully charged. He backed out.

That hill is 2-3 miles from LBS. They were OK letting me go out on it with my EP as Collateral yesterday. ;)

Not sure how much watts gets used just to move it along. The 60CM was 34lb. Which not crazy heavy in the scheme of things.

A somewhat cool feature is that the motor battery module housed in the DT is removable, and there is a cover to ride it without. 7 lbs lighter in that mode. Still about 9-10lb more than my most ridden bikes.

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dan emery
Joined: 11 Jan 2004
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7/15/22 3:18 PM

A/B comparison?

They’re just gears, use whatever gears you want. I don’t think anyone would say you’d go faster with 1x11, I just prefer it because it’s simpler, doesn’t have anything to do with speed.

Tire/wheel weight is an entirely different question. At my level of riding I doubt it makes much difference either. Rene Herse has plenty of data that wider, lower pressure tires don’t lose any speed.

I doubt anyone buys an e-bike who is concerned about weight.

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Joined: 08 Dec 2003
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7/15/22 3:30 PM

I guess the take away might be at slow uphill speeds the fatty aero negatives are non perceivable/existent, and the weight more in ones minds. Or mine anyway.

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dan emery
Joined: 11 Jan 2004
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7/15/22 3:47 PM

You mean the aero negatives of 35mm tires vs. 27? Frankly I would never even think of that, so I’ll leave it to greater minds…

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Joined: 08 Dec 2003
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7/15/22 3:52 PM

Just aero fodder I read out there, I assume at speeds I no longer roll at that matters more.

But more a case of how much fatter than the rim the tire is etc.

I recall 20+ years ago when I averaged over 20 mostly my Zipp 404s really only felt faster over 25 MPH. The power to roll at those speeds killed me less. ;). The power I no longer posses.

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