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Elliptical Bike

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dan emery
Joined: 11 Jan 2004
Posts: 6902
Location: Maine

6/13/20 11:54 AM

Elliptical Bike

Out today on my algae patrol, a group of cyclists came the opposite way crossing the bridge. Included was some damn thing that looked like an elliptical machine on wheels. That may be exactly what it was, something like this:

The woman riding it looked athletic and serious as hell, and seemed to be keeping pace. Damn.

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Joined: 08 Dec 2003
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Location: PDX

6/13/20 12:36 PM

See these machines here, and more so lately. Looks like it might be fun to get that kind of workout outside @ 7-8 mph or so. ;)

My 30 miler the other day was an off the charts pollen day here. Nice to feel that scratch in your chest from the aggregate pollen particles for a few days after. Especially in CV-19 climate..

I have been using the mask, but keeping it hooded over my mouth like an overhang. Mostly not being near others. Has been been a few time I unfolded it upon congestion if/when. It is all just only slightly doing much really I figure. But you clear you throat with it on and others move away even further.

I am relying more on the numbers for my county being very very low and odds/prayer if I am honest with myself.

Multnomah County [Portland here]
cases/recovered/deaths 1,440/523/67

My county and mostly where I ride if not in the county fringes of this county
Clackamas County


I expect I may limit my sparse PDX loops further going forward. Nothing like trying to roll in NY/NJ statistically...

My old stomping grounds:
Bergen County, NJ 17,963/-/1,529 no published recovery stat apparently.

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Joined: 04 Mar 2004
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Location: Doylestown, PA

6/13/20 3:20 PM

I want one with a motor.

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Joined: 04 Mar 2005
Posts: 116

6/13/20 4:19 PM

There's a guy here in Brunswick that rides around on one of those. He really moves along. I don't think my fragile ego could stand it!


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Joined: 08 Dec 2003
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6/13/20 5:31 PM

You ARE the motor...

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Brian Nystrom
Joined: 26 Jan 2004
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Location: Nashua, NH

6/13/20 7:11 PM

I've seen a few around here, generally on bike paths. While I'm sure they're fine at low-moderate speeds, the wind resistance of standing basically bolt upright is going to be horrendous, so I can't imagine them keeping up with bikes. I also wonder how well they climb; the ones I've seen look pretty heavy. I can't imagine that the small wheels are any fun on rough New England roads.

UPDATE: I answered my own question about weight; the lightest Ellipigo models is listed at 39.4 pounds and they range up to 44+. It reminds me of a my first 10-speed, a Schwinn Continental that weighed 42 and climbed like...well...a 42# bike.

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Joined: 08 Dec 2003
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6/14/20 8:22 PM

How about this, new one on me.

Called Half Bike 2 apparently.

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Joined: 08 Dec 2003
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6/14/20 9:22 PM

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Brian Nystrom
Joined: 26 Jan 2004
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Location: Nashua, NH

6/15/20 6:30 AM

Yikes! You're standing upright with your center of gravity very close to the front wheel. You have drum brakes that appear to work on the rear wheels, which makes sense because braking the front wheel would likely result in an instant face plant. How would you ever be able to stop going downhill? Those tiny tires can't create much braking force. Speaking of which, the combination of 20" and 8" (!) wheels would limit you to very smooth surfaces. It seems like a flat-and-smooth-ground-only toy to me.

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Joined: 08 Dec 2003
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6/15/20 10:04 AM

Where is the 6lb carbon fiber model?

I too wondered mostly about stopping yourself on that thing. Definite flat lander to my eyes.

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