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NBA's Reggie Miller

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Joined: 04 Mar 2004
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4/17/20 8:06 AM

NBA's Reggie Miller

Anyone remember Reggie Miller, the now-retired Indiana Pacer?

I knew about Bill Walton as a cyclist,* but not Miller.


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dan emery
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4/17/20 8:41 AM


Reggie was a great player, Hall of Famer and one of the best 3 point shooters ever.

Also known for epic trash talking exchanges with Spike Lee.

Interesting both he and Walton went to UCLA. Walton also a great player of course.

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Marc N.
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4/17/20 10:29 AM

Hard to forget Reggie Miller. He was a wonderful player to watch and worth the price of admission. For that matter, he sister Cheryl was an equally good, if not better woman's player.

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4/18/20 12:22 PM

Bill Walton

From the Boston Globe:

A healthy Bill Walton doing what he can to help others

Bill Walton is hoping to motivate individuals to exercise, in accordance with CDC guidelines.

Let him list the reasons.

“The sense of the wind in your face,” says Walton. “The sense of the sun on your body warming up. The sense of the sweat on your skin. The sense of, ‘If I can do this, I can do anything.’ ”

Walton also loves the movement of his bike, a custom model made by Bill Holland to accommodate his 6-foot-11-inch frame. Walton loves “the constant repetitive action” of pedaling with his restructured left foot and pair of fused ankles. He loves the freedom and independence his bike provides, along with the feelings of accomplishment and high self-esteem.

Bill Walton just loves to ride his bike.

“I cannot walk,” Walton says. “Well, I can walk for function. But I do not walk for exercise or pleasure or enjoyment. I can ride my bike all day long.”
to join him (virtually) on Saturday, April 25, for a two-hour ride he’s dubbed “Bike for Humanity.” With the coronavirus pandemic ravaging the country, Walton is hoping to motivate individuals to exercise, in accordance with CDC guidelines, as well as donate to a relief fund for COVID-19 victims and healthcare workers.

Anyone is welcome to participate, though Walton has a request.

“The only thing we ask is at the end of the day, you sit back and think about how lucky we are to be able to ride our bikes and be alive,” he said.

Biking isn’t a new hobby for Walton. When he was a member of the 1986 championship-winning Celtics, he lived in Cambridge and enjoyed riding down the Esplanade along the Charles River. Sometimes, after dropping his kids off at Shady Hill School, Walton would venture out to the suburbs and mosey through Lexington and Concord.

He was never able to get teammates Larry Bird or Danny Ainge to accompany him. Nor have they expressed interest in doing so lately.

“They socially distance themselves from me on a constant basis,” Walton said. “But that doesn’t stop me or slow me down.”

Now 67, Walton rides nearly every afternoon, weather-permitting, through his San Diego neighborhood on the north edge of Balboa Park. When he can’t get outdoors, he turns to his home gym, where he’ll ride while rewatching the most recent Tour de France with music, typically from the Grateful Dead, humming in the background.

Walton chooses not to track his mileage. He’s not a power meter rider, he says. In fact, according to Walton, he’s a pretty substandard rider. He doesn’t care, though. Biking brings a healthy Walton joy following years of intense discomfort.

“I’ve had 38 orthopedic operations,” Walton said. “I’ve spent half of my adult life in the hospital. I’ve spent most of my adult life in constant chronic pain.”

Walton hasn’t played basketball since injuries forced him to retire from the NBA in 1987, cutting his 10-season career short. After his spine failed 12 years ago, and he spent much of 2008 flat on his back, he thought his life was over.

“I went through all the stages,” recalled Walton. “1. OK, I’m going to die here; 2. I want to die, and then the worst stage of all; 3. Oh, my gosh, I’m going to live and this is what I’m stuck with.”

An eight-hour procedure repaired Walton’s spine. His recovery, which involved a medically induced coma and months of rehab, is one of the many reasons why he calls himself “the luckiest man in the world.”

Since recovering, Walton has gone on cycling excursions through California, Arizona, Colorado, Hawaii, Oregon, and Utah. He hopes to hit New Mexico and Wyoming soon.

"I love my bike and I love being alive," he says.

During his rides, Walton says his thoughts crystallize. He regularly shares his new conclusions with his wife Lori, whom he jokes is quick to remind him, “Remember, I was not part of the one-way conversation you had on your bike.”

Lately, some of Walton’s thoughts stem from a newfound sense of gratitude. His work as a broadcaster for ESPN and the Pac-12 Network has been temporarily halted, but he’s thankful to be healthy — and wants to do what he can to help.

In addition to organizing "Bike for Humanity," Walton is auctioning off a private lunch to benefit the World Health Organization's coronavirus solidarity response fund.

“This is the first time in 21 resets for me that I’ve been the healthy one,” he said. “With the privilege of my good health, that brings with it a responsibility, an obligation to do something to help those who are in need.”

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Joined: 04 Mar 2004
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4/18/20 12:51 PM

"Walton chooses not to track his mileage."

Amen. I began riding about 20 years ago, as a stress-reliever. I kept a mileage log, until I realized that I was pressuring myself to amass miles, instead of enjoying the scenery. It was nice to recover the "de-stressed" joy.

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dan emery
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4/18/20 12:58 PM


That’s great. I knew about his earlier injuries, but not the back collapse.

Interesting the mention of self-esteem from cycling. Walton was a great player throughout his career; and in his first few years in the NBA, before he started getting hurt, one of the very best ever.

Here’s Bobke on Walton:

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4/18/20 1:43 PM

I'd like to eavesdrop on the conversation if Walton and Jens Voigt rode together.

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dan emery
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4/19/20 2:36 PM

OK I’m in

Registered for Walton’s event. One bike event I’m confident will be held. Very cool idea IMHO.

Roy, while I won’t be able to listen in to Bill talking to Jens, I have ridden with Jens (Dempsey Challenge a couple of years ago) and now will be riding with Bill, virtually at least, so I can speculate...

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Joined: 04 Mar 2004
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4/19/20 3:38 PM

Dan: If the weather is ok next Saturday, I'd be riding around my neighborhood anyway, so I just tried to "join" you and Bill, but "credit card declined." My card company said the problem is not at its end, but probably at the merchant's; I just emailed to see if someone there can figure how to get me registered and my donation accepted.

I see that Walton is encouraging a 6'11" social distance on the ride. It's a good thing the ride isn't sponsored by Muggsy Bogues.

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Joined: 04 Mar 2004
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4/25/20 1:57 PM

Anyone else get out for Walton's Ride for Humanity? Dan? I did, a pleasant little ride, crossing the mighty Delaware River, then along Wickecheoke Creek, to Green Sergeant's Covered Bridge, near Stockton, NJ.

I can't figure out how to embed photos, so this will have to suffice:

The river:

The creek:

The covered bridge:

Last edited by lrzipris on 4/27/20 1:15 PM; edited 1 time in total

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dan emery
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4/25/20 2:33 PM

Yes I did

Beautiful day here, got out at the appointed time and rode a hilly 36 mile loop, felt really good. Saw lots of cyclists out. Without the inspiration of the event I probably wouldn’t have ridden that far, and it made me realize I’m in not bad shape.

In response to their request, I sent a video (just a selfie of me talking in my chair) so we’ll see if that makes the intergalactic premier of the video tomorrow night.

Nice photos.

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