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Dromarti is back!

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dan emery
Joined: 11 Jan 2004
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Location: Maine

5/1/19 4:33 PM

Dromarti is back!

I’m undoubtedly the only person here who cares about this, but I do. Dromartis are my favorite cycling shoes. They took over the Maressi brand, and produced wonderful, leather cycling shoes. Jan Heine has written they are one of his favorite bike products, and AFAIK he always wears them. I got a pair of the brown gravel shoes a few years ago, and I have ridden them with ATAC pedals on my cross, gravel and commuter bikes since. They are my shoe of choice for D2R2, above the Sidis I used before.

Anyway, the company (basucally a one man operation who had the shoes made first in Italy then in Taiwan) went out of business. Now a new Brit fellow has started it up with exactly the same shoes. I started by emailing and asking if I could get replacement laces (mine had busted and these use long, thin laces which are integral to the shoe’s function and you really can’t find anywhere else). He sent me a pair free of charge.

So I figured I should get another pair while I had the chance (even though mine are fine, other than the laces, after having the crap beaten out of them for several years). Today I got a pair of the black gravel shoes which are exactly the same as the originals.

The owner emailed me several times before mailing to make sure I had the right size without using their measuring system (I did because I had a pair of the same shoes).

The genius of these is that the very high quality leather confirms to your foot with use, and the extensive lacing system allows the shoe to be drawn exactly to your foot.

They are also so comfortable to walk in that I always use them for commuting and don’t even change out of them - I wear them all day at the office. And they look so good that fashionable women, who don’t know they are cycling shoes, comment on what nice shoes they are. So now with a brown pair and a black pair I have more fashion options:). I wouldn’t hesitate to wear them out to dinner.

They cost about $300, but so do lots of cycling shoes, and these are the bast I know. The slogan of Dromarti is “life with passion” and these get at that.

There is some continuity for me as I also have two pair of the predecessor Maressis from the 80s which are awesome as well.

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Joined: 08 Dec 2003
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5/1/19 4:44 PM

"They are also so comfortable to walk in that I always use them for commuting and don’t even change out of them"

What is the sole and cleat cfg?

Gravel shoes... hmm...

"They cost about $300....from the 80s which are awesome as well."

Are you saying you have ones from the 80s still in service? $300.00 amortizes out cheap in 30 year I figure...

Something I leaned with my first Strong frame from 18 years ago.

"Our shoes are STANDARD WIDTH. Unfortunately they are not designed for wide or high volume feet."

Rules me out...

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dan emery
Joined: 11 Jan 2004
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Location: Maine

5/1/19 4:52 PM

Cleats etc.

It’s a recessed SPD setup. As mentioned, I use them with ATACs. There are rubber lugs on the sole and you don’t even notice the cleats when walking. They are more comfortable walking than many normal shoes.

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Nick Payne
Joined: 10 Jan 2004
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5/1/19 9:56 PM

On the pair of these shoes that I have (MTB SPD cleat mounting), the sole is identical to the sole on a pair of Sidi Dominator MTB shoes that I also have - the size and position of all the lugs is exactly the same. My pair are quite old, and have "Marresi" embossed in the leather upper.

However, they are a fairly narrow fitting. If you want a pair of laced MTB shoes for a wider foot, there is the Giro Expire VR90. I have a pair of them as well and they're a better match to my foot.

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dan emery
Joined: 11 Jan 2004
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5/2/19 3:32 AM

Different shoes

Nick, I don’t have a pair of the older “Maressi” stamped shoes, but I believe the current model is a completely different shoe. The owner in our emails told me that if my existing pair was stamped Maressi, I should measure my foot for the new ones as the sizing is different. I have a wide foot and the current model fits great.

Also, I have Sidi Doms and the sole on my Dromartis is completely different. And the shoes are MUCH more comfortable to walk in.

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Joined: 11 Jan 2004
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5/2/19 9:20 AM

i picked up a pair of the tricolore marressi... from back in the day a few years back, but cant seem to find them after our move. :-/

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dan emery
Joined: 11 Jan 2004
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5/2/19 9:37 AM


I've got the same shoes, plus some black ones.

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Joined: 08 Dec 2003
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5/2/19 9:57 AM

Walter, I need those for my Saronni Colnago, what size? ';)

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