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Marking thread as read?
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Joined: 08 Dec 2003
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5/28/18 11:20 AM

Marking thread as read?

Anyone else not having the site automatically mark threads read once exiting the thread?

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Joined: 12 Apr 2004
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5/29/18 2:07 AM

You might be onto something. A half dozen threads were updated since I logged on last. I clicked on just this one, posted a reply contrary to this one, and when I went back all the flags had cleared.

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Brian Nystrom
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5/29/18 5:21 AM

It seems to be working normally for me, using Firefox on Win7.

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5/29/18 5:46 AM

Yep, happening to me, too

It’s been doing it randomly for me for quite a while. Sometimes it works right, sometimes not.

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5/29/18 8:09 AM

Seems to be working for me.

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5/29/18 9:27 AM

Maybe the result of clearing out the temporary files and cookies and stuff?

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Joined: 12 Apr 2004
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5/29/18 9:27 AM


...back to normal, Firefox on 10

test II
I plead insomnia.
Last night in Firefox I replied. Then I opened Vivaldi and logged on to CF, and noticed its original state was no unread topics in that browser. When I went back to Firefox, all the unread had disappeared.

Just Now: Short story shorter: same Vivaldi <--<<CF>>-->Firefox behavior just now. After visiting CF in Vivaldi, all I did was refresh the main forum threads page in FFX (w/F5) and voila, apparently "up to date on all topics."

Yeah, TMI.

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Joined: 12 Jan 2004
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5/29/18 2:55 PM

Working fine

Win10 with MS Edge. Everything works fine.

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Brian Nystrom
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5/30/18 5:40 AM

Oh, so you're the person who uses Edge. I heard a rumor that somebody did. ;-)

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Jesus Saves
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5/30/18 8:43 AM

I use Microsoft Edge, as well as a lot of other folks

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Brian Nystrom
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5/31/18 5:44 AM

Yeah, probably about as many as still have AOL accounts. ;-)

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Jesus Saves
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5/31/18 7:53 AM

AOL - no, wrong trajectory. The graph indicates 5% or roughly half that for FireFox, your preferred choice. Considering Edge was introduced about a year ago, versus more than a decade ago for FireFox, (like AOL), that aint too shabby.

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Joined: 12 Apr 2004
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5/31/18 9:35 AM

Edge, Safari and Chrome serve their makers. It's your private life, you can choose to share it to benefit corporate interests, your banking, your shopping, your health, your travel, your opinions, your creative output. Sure I use them sometimes but more not than often. At least we have a choice with Firefox.

I remember ten years ago using "divorce" one single time in a GMail message. Otherwise I was keeping quiet about it. Immediately ads started to appear. Think they've gotten any better at it?

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5/31/18 9:36 AM

Considering Edge was introduced about a year ago, versus more than a decade ago for FireFox, (like AOL), that aint too shabby.

If by "introduced" you mean "automatically installed on every new Windows computer as the default browser." With that kind of foot in the door you'd think they'd have more than 1.98% market share. And I wonder how much of that 1.98% usage is people using Edge to load a different browser onto their new computer? That being said, I've used Edge a bit, it's a big improvement over Explorer with a couple of good features that are (I think) unique to it. Plus, the video bitrate in Edge for Netflix is nearly double that supported by Chrome or Firefox so better quality video for streaming movies.

Also, Edge was released to consumers on July 29, 2015, which is nearly 3 years ago, not about a year ago.

(edited, I gave Edge the credit for Explorer stats, Explorer being at 3.21%, still way higher than Edge at 1.98%

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5/31/18 9:46 AM

Chrome users

Let's not get confused. A huge fraction of "browser users" are now using phones, not computers. And guess what, your Android phone comes with Chrome. It would be interesting to see the breakout between phone browsers and computer browsers. I have Chrome on my phone, and Edge and Chrome on my laptop. Edge is my default laptop browser but I sometimes use Chrome to debug issues.

Browser wars are not what they used to be.

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5/31/18 9:55 AM

Likewise Safari on iOS, only there is no Windows equivalent.

I've put Firefox on my iPhone but who knows how effective it is on that arch-closed system. It works fine at the UI though.

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Joined: 08 Dec 2003
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5/31/18 9:57 AM

Chrome on the droid, google owns the world I guess.

No internet exp, edge, office et al, began that rebelling a long time ago. ;)

On the PC, Waterfox/Portable, SeaMonkey, Chrome, Firefarts all get used for different reasons. Most of this code is all Mozilla pretty much.

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Jesus Saves
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5/31/18 10:28 AM

If you all clicked the link I provided and took one minute, or less, to look at it, it would tell you what the current usage is by device. I purposefully show the default view as desktop/laptop.

BTW, "market share" is misleading. What is being measure is page (http/https) requests/web traffic. For instance, I could use browser x for 90% of my web browsing (what is being measured), but still have installed and use browsers y & z. And who hear does not have multiple browsers installed on their PC, tablet or phone? Most yes, some no, I'd guess.

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Joined: 13 Dec 2003
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5/31/18 4:27 PM

Browser war aside, I’m getting completely random results.

Sometimes, threads were marked read before I read them. Other times marked unread after I’ve read it.

I detected a vague pattern. It has to do with the latest mass update of Windows. There’re other odd behaviors post-update. So I think perhaps some maybe related to that.

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Jesus Saves
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5/31/18 5:32 PM

The issue is likely with the web server sending down to the web browser cookie information which has a timestamp that is out of sync. I took a quick look, but the cookie information is encrypted (munged). The website should consider serving up gluten free cookies...

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5/31/18 6:20 PM

Killed all the occurrences of site related cookies for here. No dice, unless I hit the mark all read link.

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5/31/18 6:25 PM

test with other that FF

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5/31/18 6:26 PM

Works with other than FF... Probably an add-in/extension

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5/31/18 6:28 PM

nutha test

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5/31/18 6:30 PM


Not an add-in

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