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DVRed the Superbowl, not why you think.
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Joined: 08 Dec 2003
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2/5/18 1:25 PM

DVRed the Superbowl, not why you think.

Unless you think we just watched the commercials. ;)

Yep, we actually skipped thru the game to watch the commercials.

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2/5/18 2:08 PM

It was a great game, perhaps one of the best ever (note, I have no rooting interest in either team, just like watching good football)

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2/5/18 2:10 PM

I was binge watching something else. Netflix Travelers.

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2/5/18 5:00 PM

Yeah, you missed a good one.

Half time was good too.

I heard earlier in the day the projection of Prince was going to be a hologram. I knew a flat screen wouldn't deliver the picture. Has anyone heard if Minneapolis was treated to a hologram?

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2/5/18 5:08 PM

We watched the everything except the game itself.
Pre-game, 1/2 time, and the commercials.

I saw no 'Knees' taken I'd note.

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2/5/18 7:51 PM

Game for the ages. Really. Waited 60 years almost for the result, but regardless, it was the equivalent of the Thrilla in Manila. I don't know that you'll ever see quite a contest like that, one punt, each team going down and doing crazy stuff. I know the NFL is in disfavor, but they did everything possible to redeem themselves with that one.

And they only turned over one car and stole one police horse in Philly last nite...had to check my barn this am to make sure my kids didn't put the horse there, just for old times sake.

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Joined: 08 Dec 2003
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2/5/18 8:40 PM

"had to check my barn this am to make sure my kids didn't put the horse there"

Too funny. ;)

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Marc N.
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2/5/18 11:52 PM

Eagles !

It was a great game! On from 1:30 - 5:30 am here and I watched it by myself while texting friends as the game progressed. Had to keep the volume down (both the tv and myself) as I didn`t want to disturb the misses. It was extra sweet that they beat the Patriots....wouldn`t have been the same had it been Jacksonville.

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2/6/18 7:05 AM

Gone skiing

It’s becoming a tradition to ski Superbowl Sunday. The slopes are empty because everyone is going home to watch the game. Plus the mountains all bend over backward with deal of every kind.

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Brian Nystrom
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2/6/18 7:58 AM

As much as I wanted the Pats to win, I have to congratulate the Eagles on a well-deserved victory and their first title. It was a hard-fought, epic game worthy of the name "Superbowl". I wouldn't be at all surprised to see a rematch next year.

I really have to laugh at all of the Patriots haters. Jealousy is such an ugly thing and it's really a shame, because it diminishes the value of hard work, exceptional skill and brilliant strategy as a recipe for success. The Eagles won because they were just superior enough in these areas, but all most people seem to care about is that the Patriots lost. Bizarre.

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2/6/18 9:51 AM

"but all most people seem to care about is that the Patriots lost. Bizarre."

Welcome to the world of the Yankees fan!

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2/6/18 10:45 AM

Some people just hate cheaters. How much of that happened with LA and US Postal. I personally thought the PATs should have lost the title for it. Just like when riders loose title after doping positives are proven.

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Brian Nystrom
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2/6/18 11:30 AM

Good Point, Parkin

I guess I feel your pain, though then again, I don't care enough about the haters for it to be painful.

Sparky...really? Are you serious?

"Spygate" was case of the Pats being persecuted for something that a lot of other teams were doing. It had no immediate impact on the outcome of games and the only real question was why anyone bothered to do it. The whole thing was just pretty stupid.

"Deflategate" was an absolute travesty of justice. Even if it was intentional - which is pretty unlikely - other quarterbacks (Aaron Rodgers for one) openly admitted to tweaking ball pressure to suit their personal preferences. It obviously had no effect on the outcome of Pats games and you need look no further for that than the results of the game where the whole mess started (Brady threw even better after the pressure in the balls was increased). It was really about two things, whiny teams complaining because they were getting their asses kicked by the Pats and Roger Goodell testing the limits of his authority. If Goodell had stuck to the prescribed penalties for the infraction, nobody would have disputed it, it would have ended as quickly as it started and it wouldn't have dragged the league through the mud for months on end. Ultimately, he ended up with egg on his face, which seems like a just ending.

Last edited by Brian Nystrom on 2/6/18 11:47 AM; edited 2 times in total

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2/6/18 11:36 AM

And I'd ask, are you kidding about my kidding. If I actually cared if anyone agreed with my opinion on the matter.

Me, I just hate scumbags too.

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Brian Nystrom
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2/6/18 11:45 AM


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Joined: 01 Jun 2004
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2/6/18 11:47 AM

It was a great game.
Am glad I set aside time to watch it this year.

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Jesus Saves
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2/6/18 1:42 PM

<--- Yankees fan who was rooting for the Patriots.

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Marc N.
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2/7/18 9:41 AM

not a matter of jealousy

Not everyone that dislikes the Patriots or Yankees is jealous.
My negative feelings about the Yanks go back to my childhood, well before Steinbreener, free agency, etc when I was a May`s fan while my cousin like Mantle. Mareroski became an instant hero of mine until the end of his career, and I still recall Charles Schultz`s Peanuts the day after the 62 series...Charlie Brown is sitting holding his head in his hands for 2 boxes. In the third he shouts "2 feet higher!" referring to McCoveys liner that Bobby Richardson caught.
As for the Patriots, as good as they are, I have always felt they stretch or break the rules...not just the 2 gates you refer to but even going back to their first Superbowl with the Eagles, there were accusations of their cheating.
Brady seems to have a distinct lack of class when he loses (3 Superbowl losses he disappears into the tunnel while in his 5 victories the opposing quarterback manages to find and congratulate him). not to mention that Brady, Belichick, and Kraft all supported Trump. That by itself is reason to dislike them. More that anything though, when you beat New England, you feel that you have beaten the best.

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Joined: 08 Dec 2003
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2/7/18 10:22 AM

Mantle, Maris, Tresh, Richardson, Skowron, Howard, Berra, Kubek, Ford, Boyer - Those were the days! In 1961, Mickey Mantle made the astounding salary of $70,000!!! That's about $577,000 today on an inflation-adjusted basis.

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dan emery
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2/7/18 10:29 AM

Bronx Bombers

Awhile ago I heard a commentator talking about how great Mike Trout was and he said - "People don't understand - this is Mickey Mantle." I found it fascinating that he reached that far back to find an analogous player (don't worry, I'm not going to argue that Mantle was better than Mays).

One of my proudest possessions is a baseball inscribed "to Danny Emery, Best Wishes, Yogi Berra."

As to the Pats, the following is submitted without comment:

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2/7/18 10:51 AM

Alternate reality

Imagine how insufferable Eagles fans would be with a record like the Patriots.

Lunch time, okay I'll read the comments now. This comment is an example of 'fire first, aim later.'

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Brian Nystrom
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2/8/18 6:44 AM what?

He hadn't signed a contract and he changed his mind. It strikes me that most of the people who are slamming him are probably just pissed that he's staying with the Pats and won't be competing against them. Anything that doesn't weaken the Pats probably aggravates them. McDaniels is well-loved and highly respected here, and deservedly so (not to mention highly-paid). I don't blame him for wanting to stay and who knows, he may be the heir-apparent when Belichick retires.

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Marc N.
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2/8/18 9:46 AM


Sorry Brian, but is you don`t see a problem with his behavior, then any further discussion is meaningless. He gave his word, hired assistant coaches that the future coach will be stuck with, and basically showed himself to be classless act. Blind support of someone is no different than blind dislike, they are both wrong.

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2/8/18 2:39 PM

Irsay is a chump. If for no other reason than because his Colts were the first big league team to clearly adopt tanking a season for a pick. Now they're locked in mediocrity. Coach after coach, the Redskins prove bad ownership can't be solved by a coach.

The fact Indianapolis is upset by this just shows the reporters there are new to the concept of two games being played in professional sports. I never heard about the verbal commitment until it became a controversy. That says the Indianapolis press jumped the gun and started making plans.

Hey Red Sox, Yankee fans, the first I heard of this was a quote "The rivalry is back on." The frigging rivalry was Peyton/Tom. And now it's resurrected with "but you promised?" SMH

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Jesus Saves
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2/8/18 2:56 PM

It was reported that Daniels changed his mind after he met with Mac-n-Cheese Kraft and Belly-check, whereby they promised him the keys to the kingdom (Bill's successor in waiting)

It was a verbal commitment because by league rules Daniels could not officially commit (in writing) until after his team was done playing (the super bowl) for the season. The Colts started lining up their ducks prior to that by hiring assistant coaches that Daniels picked.

The Colts are justified to be upset. Daniels shot his career prospects in the foot. The only team that will ever hire him is the Pats. He's blacklisted. It is not just the NFL...That sort of thing happens in the corporate world, too.

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