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The Icebox
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dan emery
Joined: 11 Jan 2004
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Location: Maine

12/30/17 4:51 PM

The Icebox

Dunno how y'all are doing with weather, but we've had lows of minus double digits F most of this week and a good bit of next week. I've seen -16F, may be colder in a few days. This is the most sustained streak of cold weather I've seen anywhere (I grew up outside Buffalo).

Normally I'd go out and ride in this just for the hell of it, but my control of the bike would be compromised with my busted shoulder, and I really don't want to fall in my current situation (I think docs, employees and others might recommend euthanasia). Fortunately a friend came over today and split some wood so I can run the wood cookstove, and a friend's kids shovel me out (I can't do either).

My Dalmatians are happy to walk down to about 0, but not interested at -10.

Now that I can crank the wood stove, I kind of enjoy this.

Happy New Year!

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Joined: 12 Jan 2004
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12/30/17 5:30 PM

Yup, it's cold here too, we are not getting those minus 0 temps your getting up there, but it's been in the mid teens for a while.
I don't think it got below 20 here even once last winter.
I just did a couple of hours on the trainer but I am going to try and ride my MTB tomorrow.

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Joined: 13 Dec 2003
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12/30/17 9:54 PM

Too cold to even ski

I'm glad I'm working. (cancelled a ski trip to CO due to lack of snow and COLD). Declined a friend's request for a local ski too.

But today, I'm packing for the delayed ski trip next week. So I'm not tempted to go out to ski in this cold.

My bikes are in their forced hibernation. They won't wake up till next April/May at the earliest

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Steve B.
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12/30/17 11:42 PM

It’s been cold since before Christmas and won’t let up thru next week. Kind of early in the winter to see these temp’s around the NE. Kind of makes you wonder what Jan. and Feb. will be like.

I am usually good to mt. bike down to about 15 deg. or so, if there’s no snow coverage, my tolerance level isn’t there this year. I was out Wed., it was 22and very windy and I’ll bagges it after 45 minutes. Been swimming instead.

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Joined: 08 Dec 2003
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12/31/17 12:13 AM

I rode outside today, so... my brothas/sistas I will beg out.

Wishing you where here, as it were... ;)

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12/31/17 6:40 AM

Out side the box (nm)


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Joined: 11 Jan 2004
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12/31/17 12:24 PM

The next 10 nights here are cold also, with some below 0 readings, which is unusual for here. Reminds me of the ice planet Hoth. We had 2-3 inches of snow yesterday and it seems our increased tax dollars are not at work. Roads are icy and have not been touched. More snow would be better to cover the ice.

Glad I bought Hakka's.

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dan emery
Joined: 11 Jan 2004
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12/31/17 12:47 PM


For the car or bike? I have both, but not using the bike currently.

I rode in Mallorca today courtesy of ErgVideo. No snow or ice there.

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Joined: 11 Jan 2004
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12/31/17 2:38 PM

For the car. Since I got a smart trainer I seem to lack motivation to go out in cold weather.

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Joined: 12 Jan 2004
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12/31/17 3:45 PM

I have a smart trainer, but have just been indoors to much lately, got out for a solid 20 miles on the trails today, cold but awesome.
15 at the start and up to a balmy 19 by the end.

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Joined: 11 Jan 2004
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12/31/17 4:19 PM

When I mtb' I would go out in almost any temp, but there was always someone to ride with. I stopped mtb'ing about 6 years ago and don't have any riding companions in the winter on roads/rail trails.

There is talk here of creating a trail network all over the county so that may create some options. I have to think it would not be very technical for it to be widely used.

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Joined: 08 Dec 2003
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12/31/17 4:41 PM

"When I mtb' I would go out in almost any temp, but there was always someone to ride with"

Us too in NJ, them little warmer packs on hand. Well on feet usually. I fondly remember many winter MTB outings with snow. In fact I branched off from my MTN bike group/friends. Showed up for a MTN bike ride to say goodbye with a CX bike with road tires on it in the back of my pickup and got chastised to the max. 2 seasons later they all had road bikes and we were riding together again. The Lance component I guess... In my case a few seasons prior I did a yearly local club ride with a friend [26 miles] with MTB tires, saw all those sexy road bikes and got infected.

I myself want to find a group of older riders for off road stuff. But it is starting to look like I will maybe have to start up one...

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Brian Nystrom
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1/1/18 9:39 AM

Fortunately, the main MTB club around here...

...NEMBA (New England Moutain Bike Assoc.) has a broad range of riders, both in terms of age and skill. Although I fall near the high end of the former and the low end of the latter, I still have fun riding with them occasionally. In recent years, I've been more likely to ride the 'cross bike than an MTB, so I have to choose different trails to avoid the really bony stuff, so I don't ride with NEMBA much.

In winter, I'm more likely to use my fat bike than the MTB. I how have a second set of wheels with studded tires which makes it even more versatile, but I'll wait until it warms up a bit before I go out. I've inadvertently ridden and 10 degrees F with a gusty wind (a front came through during a ride) and I was OK, but it's not something I would choose to do.

I'm seriously considering getting a smart trainer, as I cant' stand to ride my "dumb" trainer and it may be the only way to get a decent amount of miles in this year. I nearly pulled the trigger on a TACX NEO from in Germany yesterday (~$450 cheaper than buying it here, including shipping). I'm also looking at the Wahoo KICKR, but waiting to see when the "good stuff" goes on sale.

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1/1/18 11:05 AM

"I've inadvertently ridden and 10 degrees F with a gusty wind"

LOL, even here when it get like 35^ and lower. On the road short jaunts I take just to get out even if for an hour or less, speed freezes. ;)
32^ with 12 wind, I avoid going over 15, and the wind chill is realized in spades.

"I'm seriously considering getting a smart trainer, as I cant' stand to ride my "dumb" trainer"

I think you will find it well spent money. In going on 20 years there has been little time I have not had at least one Comuptrainer going.

I have had a CT pair twice, fun when you invite a friend mid winter for a spirited ride. Only one of the two I have is up currently. With the TrainerRoad Subscription it should get some more serious use this winter.

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Joined: 13 Jan 2004
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1/1/18 11:05 AM

Just got back from a 14 mile fat tire ride on MUPs here in Indy. Took 95 minutes and was still -4F (-19F realfeel) when I finished...Happy New Year!

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1/1/18 11:07 AM

"and was still -4F (-19F realfeel)"

Balaclava mandatory I presume... For me, it has to be 25^ or lower for me to wear mine. ;)

And yeah, happy new year my brethren.

I have been looking at the temps at my Sis in LA county CA a few times of late. 70^ or so daily...

A visit may be eminent..

We watched the Time Sq ball drop as we do yearly, eeesh... I'd say more balls were climbing than dropping...

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1/1/18 11:55 AM

Of all places: on Slate.

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dan emery
Joined: 11 Jan 2004
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1/1/18 5:06 PM

How cold is it?

In Maine there are a number of "lobster dips" or "polar plunges" on January 1 where folks jump in the ocean for charity fundraising purposes. This year with the subzero weather nearly all were cancelled, which is a statement in itself. But the Boothbay YMCA with their "Penguin Plunge" was undeterred, though they allowed folks to dip a hand or foot. But reportedly there were 8-10 full immersions. Those folks are what we referred to in college as "longballs."

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Steve B.
Joined: 19 Jan 2004
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1/1/18 6:37 PM

I saw that the NY State Dept. of Environmental Conservation had to cancel all it's scheduled "1st Day Hikes" in the Adirondacks today. It was -21 in Star Lake, western ADK's and near that in a lot of other places. Wimps (JK).

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Joined: 13 Dec 2003
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1/2/18 12:54 AM

It’s warmer in Canada! (Calgary)

Though the car’s thermometer registered negative number, (and I got my car stuck in a big pile of snow drift briefly), it didn’t feel all that cold. Of course I was in my high tech ski jacket.

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Joined: 13 Jan 2004
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1/2/18 7:05 AM

"Balaclava mandatory I presume"

Had been quite awhile since I had run or ridden in temps like that so the ride was just as much an excuse to remind myself what gear is biggest concern was making sure I was blocking out the wind.

From bottom to top:

Baffin softshell hiking boots rated to -4F
Smartwool socks

Old pair of thick Cannondale cycling bib tights
Windproof (ish) Swix XC skiing pants
Windproof adidas snowboarding pants

Nike Thermal Drifit long sleeve
Wool sweater
Nike Stormfit jacket (extremely windproof)
GoreTex cycling jacket

Cheap pair of knit gloves under a cheap pair of fleece mittens

Fleece balaclava w neoprene mouth/nose cover
Regular Giro cycling helmet

Started off w sunglasses over the eyes but since they don't allow a lot of airflow they glazed over w ice from my exhalation pretty quickly. Switched to an old pair of Smith skiing goggles which stayed clear much longer, but also eventually froze over. Ended up riding the last 6 miles with neither.

Was probably a bit overdressed on my torso, but never completely overheated. Started feeling just a small amount of chill on my toes after about 60 minutes of riding, but it never progressed to the point where I was concerned...

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Joined: 07 Mar 2006
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1/2/18 1:08 PM

Squeeky snow

Temps this cold make the snow pretty noisy, and from inside we can hear cars driving by on the street here in St. Paul.

I seldom bike when it's this cold as I prefer to cross country ski in winter. With either, you have to find ways to protect yourself from wind, which exacerbates the cold. I was out skiing in -5 temps in northern Minnesota last weekend, and after a long descent into the wind, my son noticed a bit of frostbite beginning to appear on my face despite strategically place neck gaiter. Gooped up a bit more with dermotone, skied another 75 minutes, and was fine. Still, would like to try some solution to the ice glazing on glasses that smunderdog refers to. I was thinking of trying googles next as I see a few folks wearing them, but perhaps that's not the best either. I do find that placing the sunglasses on over the hat/gaiter to be better than under.

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1/2/18 1:28 PM

And that's why I switch to contacts in these conditions.

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1/2/18 4:10 PM

All outdoor for me is contacts, period. I knew a few skiers that had the script goggles. Seemed very pricey as I recall.

Still use Oakley M w/Heater lens too. Never had a lens dislodge in over 20 years of descending. Match my face contours or something. ;)

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Joined: 13 Dec 2003
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1/3/18 4:37 AM

Heater lens?

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