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More on, a familiar subject

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Joined: 12 Apr 2004
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10/5/17 5:31 PM

More on, a familiar subject

The Secretary of State did not call the President a moron. Please tell me that didn't happen.

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Joined: 08 Dec 2003
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10/5/17 5:38 PM

I believe he called him a fucking Moron actually.

News flash, he is a fucking Moron. We literally have a silver spoon pre-pubesant bully in charge.

I am not saying any of that as name calling, venting, etc. The guy is a moron, look up the word.

Last edited by Sparky on 10/5/17 6:04 PM; edited 2 times in total

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Joined: 12 Apr 2004
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10/5/17 5:44 PM

Whew (my sarcasm lost its steam after your edit.)

Week after week, the incompetence just keeps topping its self.

To me, the reason Texas and Florida hurricane relief went so well is because the political leadership positions are vacant and the professionals were able to just get in there and do the job. Puerto Rico, that's another situation and we all know the factors, isolation, infrastructure, record winds, direct hit. But insulting the victims?

Trump dismissing water purification tablets with a bemused look. 10 seconds, YouTube

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Joined: 13 Dec 2003
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10/5/17 8:00 PM

We all know what he is BEFORE he was elected. Why are you all so upset?

Tiller made his choice to serve in his cabinet. He knew what he's getting into. What's so surprising? Was he surprise the president is a moron? Or should WE be surprised Tiller didn't know that from the beginning???

Everybody is acting as if whatever Trump is doing is so bad. Well, he made it damn clear that's what he IS! "Vote for me if THIS is what you want!". Well, many did WANT what they now got!

Or don't they???

Go ahead and say it out loud: "THIS is still better than what Hillary would do!"!!!

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Joined: 08 Dec 2003
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10/5/17 8:13 PM

"We all know what he is BEFORE he was elected"

We, as in us here, or US voters?

"THIS is still better than what Hillary would do!"

Seems about 1/2 the voters feel that is true.

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10/5/17 10:03 PM

"THIS is still better than what Hillary would do!"

Seems about 1/2 the voters feel that is true.


So quit complaining. Enjoy the reality show.

More seriously, many people will be unhappy with ANY president. Is everybody absolutely positively happy with Obama as a president? I for one am not.

Enjoy the part you like and just close your eye to the part you don't like. I'm looking forward to the tax cut "for the rich". I probably qualify to get some of the benefits. Even though I didn't vote for him.

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10/5/17 11:12 PM

Enjoy the reality show.

Not likely, I find it a bit embarrassing as far as patriotic pride. But this too shall pass, and I mean him as POTUS, not my pride.

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Joined: 12 Apr 2004
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10/6/17 5:26 AM

This is not a reality show and you are doing yourself a disservice by pretending it is. But being contrarian is easy, universal and it keeps the conversation flowing, have at it.

Complaining helps organization.

"Go ahead and say it... better than what Hillary would do"
Provocative, unsubstantiated, contrarian, MEH, written for your own amusement maybe but no one else is laughing.

Good luck with your tax cut. It would be mine too and I don't trust it to materialize. It's been my experience that it pays better to broaden skills and switch employers. The people selling this legislation frame it as: "Save median income taxpayers $1000 a year, redo a kitchen, take a vacation." Run that sales job through your contrarian grinder. Do you really expect to feel the benefit of one-third-of-one-percent higher income?

The bulk of the benefit relies on trickle-down. The states can be laboratories of democracy.* Ask Kansas republicans about reversing their own failed experiment in tax cuts. (June, 2017) Businesses didn't want to invest in a state that was unwilling to invest in its self.


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Joined: 13 Dec 2003
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10/6/17 7:36 AM

This is not a reality show and you are doing yourself a disservice by pretending it is.

Tell that to the president. And before you forget, tell that to his supporters!

It IS a reality show. And the population are participating in it whether they like it or not. I don't like the reality any more than you. But I do have a different frame of mind than you. So I'm able to enjoy the show, despite the reality being far from enjoyable.

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Joined: 08 Dec 2003
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10/10/17 12:47 PM

His tax cuts would benefit me. But I would just turn around and give it to the organizations that are fighting to keep America great. That fight is getting more costly every day, unfortunately.

I was in Charlottesville on Saturday. Luckily, I did not hear about the KKK gathering there that day . . .

SMH too much lately.

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dan emery
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10/17/17 8:21 AM

Pop speaks

Comments of the NBA (San Antonio Spurs) coach Gregg Popovich:

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Brian Nystrom
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10/17/17 11:12 AM

The truth hurts

I imagine this will result in a middle of the night tweet storm, after Trump has had more time to stew about it and none of his babysitters are around to keep him under control.

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Joined: 08 Dec 2003
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10/17/17 12:10 PM

"that are fighting to keep America great"

By DT doctrine, or sane Americans. ;) Note smiley face.

As for this, I think Beatrice Fihn figured out she'd better say it was tongue in cheek before the #DT-retaliatory-strike ensued. ;)

But this Moron thing seems to be sticking. ;)

Published on Oct 6, 2017

The executive director of the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons, the world's newest Nobel Peace Prize winner, is not a fan of President Donald Trump. Two days before her organization was honored with the prize, Beatrice Fihn tweeted, "Donald Trump is a moron." She explained Friday that she intended the comment as a joke, saying she was responding to recent media reports that Secretary of State Rex Tillerson used the same word to describe Trump this summer. Fihn said, "I think that the election of President Donald Trump has made a lot of people very uncomfortable with the fact that he alone can authorize the use of nuclear weapons." She added, "There are no right hands for the wrong weapons. [...] Nuclear weapons are illegal. Threatening to use nuclear weapons is illegal."

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10/24/17 8:21 PM

Starting to like Corker. Well authored Hashtag. ;)

Same untruths from an utterly untruthful president. #AlertTheDaycareStaff

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