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Isn't this what fascism looks like?

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Joined: 08 Dec 2003
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1/22/17 2:42 PM

Isn't this what fascism looks like?

"White House press secretary Sean Spicer claimed on Saturday that Trump's inauguration drew the biggest crowds in American history."

Apparent truth and empirical accountings not withstanding, here is how it is going to go.

This is what you will think because we say so??

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Brian Nystrom
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1/22/17 4:55 PM

What does stupid hype have to do with Fascism?

I don't see the connection; it's just PR crap. It has nothing to do with policy or anything of consequence. It doesn't even rise to the level of "propaganda".

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1/22/17 5:12 PM

So I understand, what exactly is the stupid hype? The reporting of it, my commenting on it, or the actual so called press briefing?

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Matthew Currie
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1/23/17 1:27 AM

PR crap is pretty old hat, but I think we've reached a new level when easily checked things like the size of a crowd or the behavior of the weather are lied about under the monicker of "alternative facts." We're really down the rabbit hole.

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Joined: 08 Dec 2003
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1/23/17 6:13 AM

It's all a distraction. The amount of time the media spends on this bullshit is less time the media is focused on more substantive matters. Meanwhile, Trump has signed a nearly meaningless executive order giving administrators the right to exempt people from provisions of the Affordable Care Act, and revoked a 1/4% reduction in FHA mortgage interest rates. Both moves that will hurt the people who voted for him.

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1/23/17 10:56 AM

"Both moves that will hurt the people who voted for him."

They should been more cognizant of what they wished for.

Unfortunately those that cringed at the thought of him actually being POTUS will get no satisfaction from saying I told you so.

How can you wish him total failure without wishing at some level failure of our country. Giant Sigh..

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Joined: 12 Apr 2004
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1/23/17 2:02 PM

Kellyanne Conway used the term "alternative facts" to describe statements her boss made that contradicted facts about the inauguration and what he told the intelligence community.

Is "alternative facts" politically correct in some circles now?

The new President lied about the weather. Either that or he was outdoors and not aware of the weather.

Fox News Sunday's host Chris Wallace offered a very neutral account of the inauguration speech to open the discussion. All of his guests, journalists, were united in their opposition to the assault on their profession by the incoming administration. Uncharacteristically, Mr. Wallace offered no defense.

This is a Vox story that compares the inauguration attendance with the DC Woman's Rally and March attendance.

I attended the rally part of the DC event with two men and three women and we are all glad we went. My sign read "Vote" As we left we gave them to youngsters just arriving.

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Joined: 20 Feb 2004
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1/23/17 5:59 PM

Almost as funny as "alternative facts" was Sean Spicer saying "Sometimes we disagree with the facts."

At least SNL will have four years worth of material to draw on.

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1/25/17 6:34 PM

Some of thgis stuff sounds like "Bush-isms".

And I totally agree with P. Lee. It's a bunch of contrived weirdness that distracts from some kinds of ripping off of we/people. This political strategy is an old one, and never stops getting old. Unfortunately, the media seem to be on board most of the time.

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1/26/17 10:12 PM


The Trump "strategy" seems to be having a new outrage every day so that you forget about all the previous outrages. Who can possibly keep all this stuff in their head?

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Joined: 08 Dec 2003
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1/27/17 7:53 AM

I wouldn't dignify it as a strategy. I think Trump is just wildly erratic and his demands on his staff reflect that. He's surrounded himself with some true extremists, and opinions trump facts, and all thinking is remarkably superficial.

Rebranding import tariffs as a "border adjustment tax" won't change the fact that it's pure protectionism that will lead to a trade war paid for by American consumers/taxpayers/workers.

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1/27/17 9:43 AM

I wouldn't dignify it as a strategy. I think Trump is just wildly erratic and his demands on his staff reflect that.

reminds me of this exchange in Apocolypse Now:

Captain Willard: They told me that you had gone totally insane, and that your methods were unsound.
Colonel Kurtz: Are my methods unsound?
Captain Willard: I don't see any method at all, sir.

Last edited by walter on 1/27/17 1:47 PM; edited 1 time in total

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Joined: 08 Dec 2003
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1/27/17 11:07 AM

"I don't see any method at all, sir."

I almost spit out my coffee...

We are buying stock in pens and paper..

Will re-post one of my pre election Posts:

Posted: 10/12/16 10:19 AM Subject: Colombians Reject the Peace Deal

Gotta do this first:

'Executive Orders' consolidated list by President

President Total Orders
George H. W. Bush-166
William J. Clinton-364
George W. Bush-291
Barack Obama-235
Donald 'Bigly' Trump- 12,376 ...

I saw the trade war probability early on FWIW. Don't recall if I ranted about it or not here...

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Jesus Saves
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1/27/17 12:23 PM

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1/27/17 12:43 PM


Yeah, Lollipops and and parts of my wife. ;)

I am watching his first joint press conf, and wishing I had a joint...

As the 9th grader affirms his total commitment to NATO. I guess the PM used the force on him on that one. At least it worked... or seems to have maybe...

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Tom Price
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1/27/17 5:19 PM

Change love China to love RUSSIA!

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Jesus Saves
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1/28/17 7:09 AM

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1/28/17 10:42 AM

Look for the footage of the PM and DJ leaving the Oval. Not sure if there was a step or something, Trump had her hand it seemed quite awkward.

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Joined: 12 Jan 2004
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1/28/17 9:17 PM

What works

I guess the PM used the force on him on that one. At least it worked... or seems to have maybe...

Don't kid yourself. One long term observer of Trump (and there are many) noted accurately that he often reflects the views of the last person he talked to. So May got him to say how important NATO is and Putin (or Steve Bannon) will get him to say the opposite. The guy is so unmoored from any principles, or even any determining facts. that he can spin around like a wind sock. And he does.

Last edited by KerryIrons on 1/30/17 10:12 PM; edited 1 time in total

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Joined: 08 Dec 2003
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1/29/17 12:43 AM

"noted accurately that he often reflects the views of the last person he talked to."

Brings new meaning to the term 'puppet regime'. Usually only one puppeteer. The force is strong on the weak minded...

Muslim ban implemented via exec order. I feel our county getting great again by the minute.

Is this idiot just righting these orders without a white house council.. counseling???

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Joined: 12 Apr 2004
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1/29/17 5:42 PM

"he can spin around like a wind sock" A-ny way-the wind blows

Reading that I heard the last line of Bohemian Rhapsody, and then the drama of the rest of the song... doesn't really matter to me, to me. Cripes, even his "shoot somebody on 5th Ave and they'll still vote for me" statement. (...pulled my trigger now he's dead)

There are some nuggets he has signed that I agree with the one-line synopsis, namely the lobbying moratorium.
BUT, I remind myself, Mussolini made the trains run on time.

Yes this is repeating one refrain but: I really don't think he seriously considered he would win the election. --With his bluster he managed to motivate his supporters and instill overconfidence in his non-supporters. The Monday 11/7 "system is rigged" was genius, it must have electrified his base. He is the cocaine of candidates: a CNS stimulant that is a topical anesthetic. (and expensive)

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