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atmospheric/barometric induced vertigo ??

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Joined: 08 Dec 2003
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1/6/15 1:45 PM

atmospheric/barometric induced vertigo ??

Anyone else had this pleasure. Pretty sure this may be what I just experienced in the last week. Anyway, consider this a public service post.

I usually ignore ailments unless they lay me out, which has been a long time since this has ocured.

But I thought I was getting an ear infection or something. For about a week upon waking I would get pretty bad vertigo room spin for a few seconds.
Akin to some going to bed after over drinking sessions over my life time. ;) Crazy headache followed, that would not last too long. This started in Spokane Christmas day when I woke up at the kids place. To no coffee I should mention, yikes!

I had been at a store in the Tri-Cities on the way up the day before x-mas and the gal in line in front of me was obviously really sick. I tried to keep back, but was closer when I heard that first severe belching from her.

So I was waiting to get sick thinking this may have been the cause of the vertigo episodes. I actually had forgot about her until the first episode the next day. Perhaps maybe in conjunction with something she shared with me, and super high pressure we have with a stalled super high pressure system up here in the PNW?? I was getting less severe spells during the day if I bent down or forward or did a quick head movement.

I was thinking about going to the DR., as these vertigo episodes are just a little scarey frankly. But they stopped after maybe 5 days.

Elaine asked an ENT she was doing a case with and he told her I should wait it out until this high pressure system clears out. Unless other symptoms are present. Which they are not. He indicated a rise in office referrals when this occurs.

Kind of makes me feel less paranoid, and not thinking a CAT Scan was in my future. Although clearly I could use getting my head examined.

Funny thing is over the summer I stopped on the bike one day to answer the phone and got a little dizzy. If that happens again I will check for atmospheric pressure, not something I ever considered. I though that was more likely I was over reaching on the bike at the time. ;O

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Brian Nystrom
Joined: 26 Jan 2004
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1/7/15 6:42 AM

I've never hear of that...

...but I'll check with Linda to see what her experience with patients has been.

I get dizzy from extreme efforts on the bike, but that's to be expected.

It sounds to me like you may have an inner ear issue.

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Joined: 10 Jan 2004
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1/7/15 8:39 AM

According to this Wikipedia article (for what that's worth), the pressure change is not the sole cause of the vertigo, but can worsen it when it's occurring for some other reason. That would be consistent with your experiencing it on the bike last summer.

"Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV)", they call it. I.e., dizziness originating with inner-ear malfunction. It seems to be pretty common. The article describes some "repositioning maneuvers" that are supposed to be helpful to a lot of people. They seem to be fairly simple, and it sounds like you may be discovering them yourself with your head-movement experiments. Might be worth trying these systematic ones.

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Joined: 08 Dec 2003
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1/7/15 2:07 PM

I have not had a morning room spin for 5-6 days at least. So it make me suspect what ever less symptomatic inner ear delight I managed to attain is getting beaten by my own bio-resources. Which is good due to reactions to most 'penicillins' and derivatives commonly served up. Even sulfurs if they even still do those, lucky me.

But sure like the Benign aspect!

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Joined: 12 Jan 2004
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1/7/15 8:16 PM


Have you tried the Epley maneuver for positional vertigo? I've had this a few times (woke up in the middle of the night with the room spinning). Works a treat. Google it.

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Joined: 08 Dec 2003
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1/7/15 9:03 PM

"Epley maneuver"

I had come across that searching actually.

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Joined: 08 Dec 2003
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1/12/15 4:01 PM

Going to the Dr tomorrow. Seems I have an ear infection.

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Joined: 12 Jan 2004
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1/12/15 8:24 PM


Seems I have an ear infection.

When our younger daughter was little, she had to have tubes put in her ears to allow them to drain properly. Hope that doesn't happen to you :)

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