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Riding in Las Vegas (literally)

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dan emery
Joined: 11 Jan 2004
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10/5/14 3:21 PM

Riding in Las Vegas (literally)

I will be in Las Vegas for a conference this week (Caesar's Palace, yuck). Looks like I can rent a bike. I know there is great riding in the environs, but I have at most a few hours, so I'm wondering if I roll out of the hotel, is there riding worth doing? Probably need to be back in 2-3 hours. TIA

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Joined: 15 Dec 2003
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10/5/14 6:14 PM

I've sometimes wondered about this.
I figured that people who go to Interbike must have some routes.

There seem to be a bunch of Interbike-related routes here: .


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Joined: 19 May 2005
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10/5/14 6:24 PM

There is a WONDERFUL canyon loop west of town. Red Rocks.

Oh, it was just about the most beautiful route I have ever ridden.

If you have hiking time, hit that too.

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10/5/14 8:03 PM

Second Red Rock.

Beautiful, little traffic. Not too far from the strip, Definitely doable for the 2-3 hr window.

Yes, you can hike there too.

Further afield, you can go out to the "country", which is just about anywhere outside the small center part of the city. Not much to see since it's in a desert. But little traffic to speak of. With a car, you can drive further out. But I guess you're not too crazy about that?

(I've been to Vegas more times than I can remember. I ex-partner was in the bio-tech industry. They have their annual meeting there so it's minimum of once a year for 3-4 years. I got to "play" the whole week in the area while my ex attend meetings)

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10/5/14 8:34 PM

Elvis kit optional ?

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Brian Nystrom
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10/6/14 5:43 AM

Definitely ride Red Rocks

It's beautiful, hilly and fun!

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10/6/14 7:02 AM

Wow that is one image I can't get out of my head....

......Dan Emery in Las Vegas :)........

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dan emery
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10/6/14 9:38 AM

well yeah

Not my preferred venue, but it does draw a good attendance. For me a couple good meals, hopefully a good bikeride, and a lot of meetings. I do seem to have a window of opportunity and will try to get out to Red Rock, which appears closer by than I had realized.

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10/6/14 2:49 PM

There's a good barbecue place by the Red Rock Casino too.

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Joined: 13 Jan 2004
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10/6/14 3:36 PM

Vegas, baby.......

You should be able to get the hotel limo to run you out near the mouth of Red Rock Canyon [W. Charleston Blvd/NV159]. There's a bike shop right at the start of the canyon that rents bikes - Broken Spoke, 11700 W. Charleston Blvd [Ste B190] - 702-823-1680. Whenever I go by there it appears as thought there's quite a bit of bike "traffic". From the store to the entry to the Conservatory area is approx 4 miles [up a 4% grade]. The loop itself is 13 miles. Starting elevation at the store will be about 2800', entryway to the loop approx 3300'. The high point on the loop is 5500'. It's a very good work out, but I'd make sure the day time temps are under 90° before you go. The loop runs straight into a box canyon and then loops out along the Spring Mtn range before getting back to the highway. The heat spikes that occur in there can be pretty intense, especially if you're heat-sensitive. For the record, current temp here is 89° [1430 PDT]; I'm on the west side of the Spring Mtn range, about 15 miles from Red Rock, as the vulture flies [no crows here]. IIRC the store rents C'dales.

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dan emery
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10/6/14 5:01 PM

Thanks Doug

That sounds good. If I could get out there, rent a bike, do the ride, drop the bike off and get back that would be perfect. Not sure how I'd get back. I dunno how the hotel limos work (I'm more of a Hampton Inn kind of guy). Could I just get a cab back from the shop to the hotel? Not overly concerned about cost within reasonable limits.

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Joined: 13 Jan 2004
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10/7/14 7:31 AM

Everyone already beat me to it - west side of Vegas to Red Rock canyon is the way to go. I lived on that side of town back in '00-'01 and it is a great ride. Doug describes it perfectly. I even proposed to my wife there in the park.

As far as getting a ride back - perhaps Uber or Lyft if they operate in those markets?

Here is a 40 miler that includes the scenic loop at Red Rocks and then an out & back on the Blue Diamond - there is a convenience store at the turnaround 24 miles in for water refill/snacks/hot dogs.

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10/7/14 10:46 AM

Dan, you should be able to get a return taxi out there, but I'd see what the hotel offers up first. You're on the very western edge of LV; Summerlin actually. [And yes, Howard has "left the building"] The cabbie structure in Vegas is a bit tarnished due to a "long hauling" controversy. It usually occurs from McCarren to the strip but I've heard that no route is immune to it. As for Uber/et al, they are running to some degree in town causing the taxi companies some heartburn and a smattering of same for the taxi commission. Not sure if there's any territory coverage issues.

Smunderdog's route is the typical ride for all the various bike club rides, mostly done on week-ends. When I first moved here in '03 it was my 1st ever ride in the area; suffered like a dog due to the VERY low humidity level, and the seemingly-forever false flats - everything seems to be a 2% up hill! Or so it did then. After dealing with it for the past years I'm of the conclusion that it wasn't really all up-hill false flat. It was the WIDE OPEN spaces and that single strip of pavement stretching off into the distance [you can typically see 7-8 miles down the road unrestricted by ANYTHING!]. Shortened version = mind game. Personally I prefer heading west - DVNP is 25 miles from my house [rode there yesterday morning], but it's a bit toasty by noon this time of year. Need another couple of weeks and then it'll be great.

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10/12/14 5:16 AM

So how was it? :)

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Joined: 19 May 2005
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10/12/14 5:29 AM

What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas. He can't tell us.

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dan emery
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10/12/14 8:16 AM

Not much to tell

Well despite the good advice here I didn't get it together to do any riding. Not enough time or mental energy to make the arrangements. I'm on the Board and an officer of the group, so it's pretty much nonstop meetings at conferences. I really would have needed to take an extra day to do it right, which I didn't do. I did determine that it was an $80 cab ride out to Red Rock. I didn't get as far as inquiring about the hotel limo, but I can't imagine it would be a bargain - at Caesar's Palace you have to play $12 to use the in room Keurig Coffee machine.

Walked up and down the strip awhile, ate pretty well - Wild and Crazy! Between jet lag and the heat, just walking around wore me out a bit.

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10/12/14 10:29 AM


It's also a bit tough to get acclimatized quickly to the dry Southwest. The strength of the sun and the exposed conditions can do a number on people. I remember once taking Brian Burgess from this forum out on a ride in Tucson, and I could tell he wasn't adjusted yet.


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10/12/14 11:53 AM

Life gets in the way...

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Joined: 19 May 2005
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10/12/14 12:33 PM

Best laid plans...

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