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OK, I know how to mount a freaking tire! [I thought]

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Joined: 08 Dec 2003
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7/11/14 6:04 PM

OK, I know how to mount a freaking tire! [I thought]

I am getting my ass handed to me by a flat!

The Vit Paves went on the A23 rims fine, been riding them for over a week. Nice of that flat on Wednesday ride to wait to let the air out in the garage at the end of the day and all..

So I pop off the flatted tire, pull the little wire through to the inside. New tube, hand mount, air, go inside. Go out later and the tire is flat again. Tape had shifted and the spoke hole flatted the new tube. Pull the tape and put on a new roll, repeat, same thing. So now I am patching the tubes because ruining new tube after new tube is going to stop. Same freaking thing.

This time I pull the tape, clean every bit of tape adhesive out of every part, repeat... Diligently pull the hand mounted tire and make sure the tape is in place, it is. Pump up, flats again... Tape moved.

Pull tape, clean again, use Velox tape this time even though the Sette tape has been fine on 6 wheels so far, bought like 18 rolls of it. Repeat the hand mount, diligent scope of tape still centered, pump, let the air out and look again, tape shifted. Repeat after using talc the inside of the tire and on the tube. Inflate, let air out and look to see the tape shifter. WTF in capitol letters!. Clean it all out with lacquer thinner again, new Sette tape narrower 12mm instead of 16mm, same shit.

Took the Scott with the Conti's instead for todays ride.

Starting to think the now used and fairly stretched out tire may be the culprit.

Last bout I sanded the rim inside hoping the tape will stick better, nope...

So I have used 5 rolls of tape, 4 tubes so far...


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Joined: 12 Jan 2004
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7/11/14 7:03 PM


After a serious bout of flats with Velocity Aerohead rims where the Velox tape was either too wide or too narrow, we switched to the VeloPlugs and haven't had a problem since. I know they don't fit every rim but there are two sizes.

In all the years I used Velox tape, I never saw it move. Something strange going on there.

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Joined: 08 Dec 2003
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7/11/14 7:19 PM

Velocity does not support A23 with the Veloplugs. But I have googled/read a lot of folk having success with the red plugs as long as it is not the OC rim.

Did an eBay offer on a few packages to try...

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Andy M-S
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7/12/14 4:06 AM

Velox shifted??

I have never had Velox shift, but occurs to me that when I tape a wheel, I use tape that ENTIRELY covers the bed, as in I stick on the bit to fit the valve hole, then press the edges in under the hooks, then rotate the wheel in the stand while tensioning the tape so it pulls down under the hooks.

Is that not what you're doing? Because with the rim bed filled wall-to-wall with Velox, I can't see how the tape could possibly shift.

I've seen cheap rubber-band rim strips that have shifted, but...

Post a photo, Sparky. I am extremely curious!

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Joined: 10 Jan 2004
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7/12/14 10:24 AM

The narrow Gorilla tape cut to width (just start it and it tears like duct tape) has become my rim tape of choice.

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Joined: 08 Dec 2003
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7/12/14 5:01 PM

I used some cheetah flavored duct tape. Rips straight once you start it. Worked first time.

As far as tape width, with tubeless compatible rims, the tape can't go all across. Tire would never mount due to the ridges.

It is all together, so no pic until I get my next flat. Super glad that flat did not happen out on the road I will say.

Will be picking up some of that gorilla tape, keep reading that it work perfect for the task...

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Brian Nystrom
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7/12/14 9:16 PM

I use strapping tape...

...and never have a problem with it. How much tire pressure are you running?

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Joined: 08 Dec 2003
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7/12/14 9:59 PM

In these 27mm Paves, 95ish

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Brian Nystrom
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7/13/14 4:54 AM

That shouldn't be a problem

When you're applying the rim tape, are you pulling it really tight? If so, I don't understand how it could shift as long as the rim is clean.

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Joined: 08 Dec 2003
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7/13/14 6:17 AM

Yes, tight. I can not understand either...

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dan emery
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7/13/14 6:20 AM

Help is on the way

This happens about every 30 years, but as of next month, help will be available:

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Joined: 11 Jan 2004
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7/14/14 10:33 AM

just ask Gozer


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