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salt tablets

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Chris Klaren
Joined: 13 Jan 2004
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6/20/14 4:20 PM

salt tablets

Picking up from the cramp thread, what salt or special anti-cramp tablets do other people use? I cramp up easily (sweat hog) and am looking for something that replaces key electrolytes that the sweat takes with it. Thanks.

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Joined: 08 Dec 2003
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6/20/14 6:17 PM

CalMag tablets, and just little stashes of salt for me.

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Joined: 20 Feb 2004
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6/20/14 6:53 PM

I'm not convinced about the link between salt and cramping. The research is not conclusive.

I started adding electrolyte tablets/powder to my water years ago, in an effort to address occasional cramping. I still cramp occasionally, and it always happens during extra-hard efforts or when I am pushing my limits. So I associate cramping with muscle fatigue.

This is of course what I've observed personally. I still use the electrolyte tabs as a precaution and because the taste makes me drink more without tasting sickly sweet. I also get salt from riding food (bars/gels).

A lot of ultra runners like to use S Caps.

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Joined: 08 Dec 2003
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6/20/14 6:59 PM

Salt has bailed me when I have had a quad or hammie cramp that would not just quit. These were fatigue induced, not like the early glute cramp I posted about.

About a month ago @ about mile 5# something, total Hammie crap. I stopped at a store and got peanuts and added 1-2 teaspoons of salt. With in 3-4 miles I could pedal pretty fast actually. And in fact the last 12 miles [was a metric] I flew like I could not believe.

So for me, salt as an after the fact fix works. With the glute crap I decied to eat/chew up two CalMags and wash them down with CitoMax. I had salt, but wanted to try the Calmag as a fix. And it worked quickly also.

Last edited by Sparky on 6/20/14 7:19 PM; edited 1 time in total

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Joined: 20 Feb 2004
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6/20/14 7:14 PM

Interesting. I was thinking of trying out the S Caps for running, since I typically take in less food/gels/drink compared with the bike.

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Joined: 08 Dec 2003
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6/20/14 7:39 PM

S Caps. just look up the ingredients and a duplicate generic for 1/10th the cost.

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Joined: 11 Jan 2004
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6/21/14 3:00 PM

Many years ago I was taken to the hospital after a ride where I lost all power and had a very high heart rate. They thought I had a "cardiac event" but EKG was normal. In the bloodwork they found I had low sodium.

My doctor at the time did tri's and suggested a product called "THermotabs".

I had to order them from a pharmacy but they were cheap and combined sodium and potassium. Note that I've never cramped.

Being diabetic, he thought maybe I peed off the sodium with a high blood sugar.

I no longer take them as I don't ride far and hard in the heat these days. I avoid it...

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Joined: 15 Dec 2003
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6/21/14 3:34 PM

they all work

They all work. I've used these and others...


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Joined: 12 Jan 2004
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6/21/14 7:27 PM

Table salt

There's absolutely nothing magic in the commercial products that you can't get by mixing table salt and "lite" salt - gives you sodium and potassium. Throw in some antacid tables for calcium and that's about it. Trace minerals (Mg, Se, etc.) can be obtained in your diet.

On long rides, I add about 1/3 tsp. of table salt and about 1/4 tsp of lite salt to my food bags. Works for me.

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Joined: 08 Dec 2003
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6/21/14 7:55 PM

So how much is too much, especially with the potassium?

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Evan Marks
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6/21/14 8:09 PM

Magnesium is often overlooked.

You can get it from your diet if you're not already deficient from sweating out your body stores of it over the years. Take a supplement, and note that sports drinks really don't have much magnesium (or potassium) to speak of. I take Slow-Mag (over the counter) _every_day_ , and eat a banana for potassium before every ride. That works for me. Your electrolyte deficiencies may vary.

Potassium OD? Not likely --

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6/23/14 6:58 AM


In my marathon days if a marathon was over 60 degrees I knew I was going to have problems and would often come down with Hyponatremia. I would be nauseous for some time after a warm marathon, my last marathon in 70 degree weather resulted in my needing 2 2 liter bags of saline (still had good times though ;)

My ultra marathon friends who regularly did the Vermont 100 recommended Succeed caps. I tried them and could run, ride, race in temps up to 90 degrees and humid conditions...
Combined electrolytes and a buffer to prevent nausea which is common in ultra events...

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dan emery
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6/23/14 8:48 AM

Are we having fun yet?

>>my last marathon in 70 degree weather resulted in my needing 2 2 liter bags of saline (still had good times though ;)<<

Good times for sure!

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Joined: 08 Dec 2003
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6/23/14 7:15 PM

81^ today, I managed 75 miles and strong to the end.
If not for the cal/mags and some some sea salt I doubt that last 10 miles would have averages 16MPH.

Still want to get some Morton's Salt Light which is 1/3 salt and 2/3 potassium chloride for my med kit on the bike.

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