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Cycling data for the blind on iPad, Kindle?

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Joined: 20 May 2004
Posts: 146

2/14/14 2:03 PM

Cycling data for the blind on iPad, Kindle?

Hi folks,

I'm looking for solutions for two riders who are visually impaired. They do a lot of training indoors, but their vision isn't good enough to see a cycling computer. They're able to see numbers and letters that are about an inch (2.5 cm) high. Each has access to an iPad and Kindle, and use them with great success for reading print.

I'd like to be able to help them out with sensors and apps that would give them access to the kinds of data you and I get from a cycling computer--elapsed time, average speed, cadence and the like. Bonus if I can also give them access to HR data or estimated power data, or if the data can be audible in addition to being visible on the screen.

The software and hardware would only be used for indoor training.

Thanks in advance for any help you can give me.


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Joined: 08 Dec 2003
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2/14/14 2:56 PM

I do not know how impaired these folk are. But i had a friend in IT years back, Even with 1 huge monitor, he had to have his face practically against to read it, and that was with Windows set up for impaired viewing.

But bigger is going to be better. So maybe projection is in the solution?

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Joined: 20 Feb 2004
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Location: North Vancouver

2/14/14 3:19 PM

If they have a laptop or desktop PC, they could do TrainerRoad w/ a supported trainer, ANT+ stick, ANT+ speed/cadence sensor, and ANT+ heart rate strap. That would give them virtual power and a nice big live power graph to look at.

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Joined: 20 Feb 2004
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Location: North Vancouver

2/14/14 3:56 PM

Ipad: Wahoo ANT+ adapter, ANT+ speed/cadence sensor, ANT+ heart rate strap.

I'm sure there are free apps that will display the ANT+ data. (For Android, there is IPBike.)

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