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Anybody using TrainerRoad ?

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Joined: 12 Jan 2004
Posts: 51
Location: Lexington, SC

1/27/14 10:01 AM

Anybody using TrainerRoad ?

Ran into a cycling friend last nite who is using this and likes it. . I need something to spice up the trsiner rides and no longer have my power tap to measure power. This looks interesting.

And yes I do feel like a wussy posting this after Dan's post about cold weather rides!


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Joined: 20 Feb 2004
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Location: North Vancouver

1/27/14 10:35 AM

Planning to start it in the next week or two. I'll be using it with a Kurt Kinetic Road Machine, Garmin ANT stick and Garmin speed/cadence sensor.

I much prefer riding rollers and have used the KK only once this winter. At the very least, I'll be able to do FTP tests and VO2Max intervals with estimated power.

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Joined: 20 Feb 2004
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Location: North Vancouver

2/4/14 12:18 PM

Used TrainerRoad for the first time last night. Registration, installation and 1st workout (8 min FTP test) went off without a hitch.

This app/service is a keeper, although my usage will be restricted to the indoor training months. I can see how tracking (virtual) power will become addictive, and the live graph is great for feedback/motivation. I will be using this for max effort and threshold efforts from now on, but still prefer the feel of my roller setup (Kreitlers retrofitted w/mag resistance) for all other workouts.

I wish they had a pay-per-use option, so I can do the occasional FTP test during the outdoor riding months.

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Joined: 11 Jan 2004
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Location: Needham outside of Boston - the hub of the universe

2/4/14 12:32 PM

FTP testing

Always fun!...NOT .....only 8 mins? I have always followed a 3 minute then a 12 minute effort / test protocol to get a feel for FTP...I HATE doing those tests on a trainer.....

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Joined: 20 Feb 2004
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2/4/14 1:00 PM

2x8 min flat out efforts is the protocol that Carmichael uses. I've been using his Time Crunched Cyclist book for the last two winters (loosely this year as I started some running this winter).

TR only has two tests, 1x20 and 2x8, so I chose the shorter one not having the confidence to nail it for 20 minutes. I've been on the rollers all winter, so a 20-minute FTP test locked into a trainer was not very appealing.

However, I will definitely be using the KK more, now that I have TR. They have a money back policy, so it is definitely worth a try.

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Joined: 11 Jan 2004
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Location: Needham outside of Boston - the hub of the universe

2/4/14 1:21 PM

20 mins whew!

THAT would be interminable on a trainer 12 mins is bad enough so 2 x 8 makes it somewhat manageable

Got to get in work as Emery wants to defend our 2 man TT record in August and HE'S going to Majorca!!!!! and I get to train in the basement this winter....

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dan emery
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2/4/14 3:18 PM

You can do it Rick

Just hang a blueberry pie in front of the trainer.

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Joined: 11 Jan 2004
Posts: 1492
Location: Needham outside of Boston - the hub of the universe

2/4/14 3:43 PM

Not just ANY blueberry pie

a MAINE blueberry you made me hungry with the thought AND I have a trainer session scheduled for tonight....thanks DAN :(

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