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Coombe Pedals are back

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Joined: 11 Jan 2004
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1/8/14 2:33 PM

Coombe Pedals are back

I thought these were the most solid and best feeling pedals I ever owned. Don't know if I want to switch from the mtb pedals I use now, however.

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Joined: 11 Jan 2004
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1/8/14 2:56 PM

I actually remember being particularly impressed with these when they introduced them to the Interbike crowd, and always wondered why they went away.

165g complete is pretty good, and not needing stupidlight titanium for the spindle.

The short bearing spacing on the spindle better preserves alignment between the bearings on the flexing spindle (as all spindles do), while the flex loads are lowest out further from the crankarm.

Needle bearings are quite sensitive to cleanliness, so good sealing and freeplay tolerances might be more important on these.

Funny that they mentioned the previous black version rusting, as the first ones I saw were polished like these here. Perhaps that was for "show" effect?

Anyway, pretty cool, though their illustrated differences in stack height and road clearance appear quite exaggerated relative to current high-end competitive offerings(?).

Are these pedals quiet and click-free over longer mileages?

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Joined: 11 Jan 2004
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1/8/14 3:05 PM

Mine were the smoothest bearings I've ever had. I had problems with the detents wearing out. The detents were the small, round "dimples" that helped center the position. You had to remove the cleat to replace them, which was something of a nuisance. The dentents came in 4 or 5 Heights, to resist float.

No clicks, no squeeks, or any other noise. Extremely high quality build.

They suddenly went away, so cleats quickly became impossible to find. That may hurt them this time, as people may be leery.

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Dave B
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1/8/14 10:01 PM

The biggest inhibitor I can see is $360 for the pedals only plus $65 to $75 more for cleats. Ouch!

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Joined: 10 Jan 2004
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1/9/14 8:45 AM

Yeah, the pricing is somewhat ridiculous. I moan about the $40 bebop cleats each season.

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Joined: 08 Dec 2003
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1/9/14 12:15 PM

"I thought these were the most solid and best feeling pedals I ever owned."

What where the second best? Have you ever used the Keywins?

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Joined: 11 Jan 2004
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1/9/14 12:38 PM

Probably the second best were Shimano SPD-SL, the lance pedals. However, they had a squeek with my Sidi shoues that I could never get rid of. Yes, I had keywins when they were the forum pedal of choice. Good solid feel and all, but my knees hurt with them, and I was afraid to spend more time with them to try to dial it out.

I think one of the things I liked about the Coombes was the lack of plastic and the build quality. They were probably the nicest made bike item I've ever purchased, and that influences my nostalgia for them. They were truly like standing on granite.

They are waay overpriced this time, and its silly that cleats aren't included, but maybe thats because of all the cleat options. The website shows the 2 bolt/spd style, but the copy talks about the 3 bolt compatible cleat. They originally had the Speedplay 4 bolt mount system, but I don't know if they will offer that again.

They brought out the Millennium pedal because the original cleat was the wrong size to fit on the 3 bolt/Look style pattern.

EDIT: The cleat on the website seems to be using the bottom 2 holes of a Look pattern, not the 2 bolt SPD mountain pattern.

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Joined: 08 Dec 2003
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1/9/14 1:03 PM

I have wound up with a few other pedals/systems with all the stuff I have been acquiring since I landed here. So off and on with all the bikes accumulating had me trying some of them.

Some Ultegra SPL-SLs. It is like they are not there to me and low stack. Like them, but probably would not have bought them, meaning if they did not fall in my lap.

Got some Look Clones for my kid and he chickened out on the all road in favor of 2 sided SPDs. It was a buy one set bet the other free deal EXUSTAR, forget where I got them. $30.00 each set net, free shipping. Thus 2 sets covering 2 bikes and one set of shoes I decided to try them. They also feel like they are not there and I am amazed of the quality [so far] for the coin.

Down to two Keywin sets, one missing end cap/bits, and I have a 109.00 set on my eBay watchlist I may
get at some point, or not at this point...

I was surprised when fitting the Scott that the keywins had a larger stack than the SPD-SLs.

Anyhow, been doing SPD MTNs on the SS CX and two MTN for the winter riding... Still have several sets of 747s on line and working perfectly. Old faithful pretty much...

But as to these and the expense, it sure puts my value sphincter into a total lock! I paid 550.00 for the entire mint Scott Addict LDT Frameset... Not the fairest of comparisons probably... ;)

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Brian Nystrom
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1/11/14 8:40 AM

Interesting stuff...

...but I see the non-adjustability of the cleats as a limitation that will reduce their appeal pretty dramtically. How are you supposed to figure out which hole offset works best with your shoes? If you need to shift the cleats laterally, you're screwed. While the pedal seems well-engineered, the cleat system seems to be poorly thought out.

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Joined: 23 Mar 2004
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1/11/14 2:38 PM


Which Keywins are you on? The new Carbons or the CRMs?


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Joined: 08 Dec 2003
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1/11/14 3:02 PM

CRMs, still like them especially for out of the saddle non hot spotting...

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Joined: 23 Mar 2004
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1/11/14 3:25 PM

I have a boatload of the CRMs sitting on the shelf, in a few different axle lengths, some new and some used, if you need any.

geoff at bmid dot bm

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1/11/14 3:39 PM

email sent. .bm?

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1/11/14 7:04 PM

bowel movement?

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1/11/14 7:57 PM



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1/12/14 5:36 PM


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