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Finally Averaged 20 MPH for a 23 mile ride.

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Joined: 08 Dec 2003
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Location: PDX

10/5/13 7:22 PM

Finally Averaged 20 MPH for a 23 mile ride.

Not really, I averaged 14 going, and 20 on the return. But the rest [PDX club ride] was over a 2 hour lunch, Smokes! gets you late to home...

So. really was two rides to me. ;)

1:40 going and 1:10 on the return. Down, even when slight is a lot faster than slight up. ;)

Would have been a great Tandem run, But Elaine shot up to Seattle to see Jersey Represent, Bon Jovial.

Last edited by Sparky on 10/7/13 10:12 PM; edited 1 time in total

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Joined: 12 Jan 2004
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10/6/13 6:34 AM

Congrats. You are definitely above my pay grade.

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dan emery
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10/6/13 7:48 AM

A group helps

I did a 60 mile charity ride last week with an average of 19, but that's just because I tagged along at the back of a group. The first 40 were fairly flat/rolling, and we rolled through that close to 21, then the last 20 were diabolically hilly and I said goodbye to most of the group. I did no work at the front of the group (I'm 63, I don't have to :), but closed some gaps and took my turns at the end in smaller groups. Felt good to get a bit out of my usual comfort zone. No long lunch for me, didn't get off the bike.

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Joined: 08 Dec 2003
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10/6/13 9:38 AM

I rode with 2 others for maybe 10 miles on the way back. On the way out, for maybe 4 miles. So not much drafting or anything, more like TTing. With the wet leaves, close proximity... not so much. ;)

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Paul Datars
Joined: 13 Jan 2004
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Location: Manotick, Ontario, Canada

10/7/13 11:42 AM

I just got back from the Catskills again. As I was leaving someone said : "See you in 6 months." to which I responded, "Damn that's a depressing thought...thanks."

Then upon further reflection I realised just how awesome life has used to be when I left after a couple weeks down there I'd hear, "See you next year." whereas the past 6 months have seen me spend 73 days in the Catskills, 211 hours of riding, nearly 6000km, and 200,000 feet of elevation gain. This has actually allowed me to justify getting a new Cervelo S5 for myself and the R5 for my wife.

I did some side by side SRM comparisons with my buddy Rick in the past couple weeks with a view to doing the same thing next spring on the S5. Should be interesting in that basically the only change will be the frameset, everything else, wheels/tires/POSITION will be identical. The other thing I will definitely get some data on are the climbs, REALLY hoping (wishfully) that the stiffness of the new frame (compared to my 9 year old very light-weight Litespeed Ghisallo) might result in some slightly better climbing times. I measure these things to the second and unbelievably do get upset or happy based on a few seconds one way or the other.

Wow, just realised how carried away I got with this post, sorry for the hi-jack.

Oh well, while I'm at it, check out how my Caddy (car #411) did this summer against some half million dollar heavily modified (on E85) Euro trash. And I've since added another 75 hp. The other Caddy there was my buddy's with the exact same engine set-up, just had better aero...he really scared those rich guys :-) We were the only 2 cars in the top 10 that actually DROVE to and from the event and used pump gas.

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Joined: 08 Dec 2003
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10/7/13 12:46 PM

"just realised how carried away I got with this post, sorry for the hi-jack."

Post away! ;)

I actually had the TCX bike with 28C GP4 All Seasons. That TCX AL frame sure seem to co-operated/embellished the 7 mile slight uphill TT.

I am the boy that cried Wolf yet again when it comes to Aluminum frames it would seem. I may start ignoring myself about it...

Actually a bike swap with a friend old CAAD3 had me more accepting and the price on the TCX frameset of 150.00 made me yet more accepting. ;)

There have been a few AL frames over the last 15 years I liked. And the more fit I am the more accepting I seem to be to a stiff frame overall. ;)

2000 Fuji Team Issue Scandium, 2 CAAD3s and a CAAD5 I think it was. And the Klein Q-Carbon I had briefly last year I liked A LOT! I just hated that it would not fit more than a 23 on narrow rims [rendering two A23 wheelsets not usable with it] and the reverse facing dropouts I had no tolerance to deal with.

When I got home from the ride I thought if it was a nicer surface [no wet or leaves] and I had the Scott with 23Cs instead... Would the faster average I most certainly would have experienced made the ride any more enjoyable beyond my ego. I am sure not. ;)

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Joined: 15 Dec 2003
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10/7/13 1:08 PM

REALLY hoping (wishfully) that the stiffness of the new frame (compared to my 9 year old very light-weight Litespeed Ghisallo) might result in some slightly better climbing times

You really think so? You should definitely bring both bikes and post back to back climb data..


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Paul Datars
Joined: 13 Jan 2004
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Location: Manotick, Ontario, Canada

10/8/13 5:57 PM

That's the problem, I really don't think it's gunna make a damn bit of difference. OTOH I know the aero difference will be measurable on the flats at speed, it will just be a matter of how measurable. Rick is very fearful I'm going to cause him to be unhappy with his R5.

Thing is, even in the Catskills on a 7000'+ day you spend more time NOT climbing than climbing, which makes aero stuff easy to justify. For the past two years I've ridden nothing but 808s down there.

My weight which has been pretty rock steady at 182 for the past 8 years dropped by 7 lbs this year, I believe as a direct result of retirement (lack of stress) so I've been willing to add weight to the bike. My Ghisallo went from 14.2 to 16.2 lbs and I wont be surprised if the S5 ends up at or just above 17 and I just don't give a damn because I'm going up the climbs faster than I have for past 5 years. Not sure if I'll be able to turn the clock all the way back to my peak in '06 but if I don't it wont be for lack of trying.

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