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Laid down RSL/SLR earlier today.

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Joined: 08 Dec 2003
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8/24/24 5:06 PM

Laid down RSL/SLR earlier today.

Honking out of the saddle right pedal let go, pretty new cleats too. May have had small rock or somthing. Looking at cleat, I see nothing suspect.

Wound up against cable barrier and hit thigh on 3rd one after just missing a few. my thigh took brunt on corner of 12x12 post before i got bike under control. Probably still doing 10 mph @ impact. Hemotoma city and tweeked back. Didn't even tearvthru shorts, and spilled on right side of bike.

Rode on legged 1/2 mile to friends and got busy icing it.

Not been down since 1999...

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Joined: 12 Jan 2004
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8/25/24 5:04 PM

Ouchie. Keep the ice on that thing for 48 hours and them compress and heat. In 2-3 weeks it will just be a story you can tell. In the meantime, wait for the technicolor bruise.

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dan emery
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8/26/24 6:40 AM

How's the bike? :)

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8/26/24 6:48 AM

Bar tape, smallish RD scratches, and stay junction right side has a few small finish incursions. So bike ok mostly. The front wheel needs a few spoke/nips spun minimally. I sorta had it come up on me as I slid to ground after the post/thigh abrupt contact. @ 6 MPH according to GPS... apparently I managed to wiggle off some speed flailing after flying out of the right pedal..

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8/27/24 10:42 PM

72 hours in, transition from ice to moist heat going to plan. Else I have been off to see Dr. I can actually lift my left again, and super glad so soon. Quad still not happy about letting the knee get to 90 degrees. Nutha few days, than maybe a slow bike ride...

EDIT: 96 hours post and feeling human again. Gunna keep doing what I've been. Hoping for a light spin by weekend, either outside of computrainer.

Day 4 the dark spots arrived. ;)

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8/29/24 6:23 AM

I've had the mysterious disengagement so many times in the past I think about it every bloody time I'm smashing out of the saddle, whether climbing or what passes for sprinting in my world.

Actually had the lollipop portion of a speedplay power pedal slide off the spindle a couple months back, thankfully I was just starting a ride and was seated.

Glad you're on the mend.

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8/30/24 5:39 AM

Sparky, were you using the Keywin pedals? If so, which cleat?

I know that Keywin modified the standard crm cleat a while back and also specify a different cleat for the carbon model.

I've used Keywin CRMs for about 24 years now and can't recall ever unclipping inadvertently. Of course, I'm sure I don't put the Wattage that you might.

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8/30/24 9:03 AM

Dura PD-R9000.

I may put my keywins on it. Still have a stash and one new cleat set in inventory.

I got to having too many bikes for all to have kewins last 5-6 years. So I have SPDR Ultegra, Dura and even KEO and KEO clones going on. Have no actually ridden a bike with the Keywins since I can recall.

I have had a keywin right cleat here and again have the little window tab break and got a surprise out of saddle. Twice in decades of use. I really need to look at my shit more diligently as use time stretches out..

Worst part is the left PD9000 had popped out twice previous week and I found the left cleat was cracked at the front. So I grabbed [for this ride] my Bonts with relatively new cleats. But as I discovered there was some gravel stuck in the right cleat I found after I pulled bike outta car. I looked wondering what may have been causal.

I am getting less rides per week due to Elaine's Medical goings on and find I am riding more aggressively the 1-2 days I am managing to get out. And riding well too. Old guiz benefit from more rest days I guess.

I am considering staying off the go fast bikes for a while. If I had broke my leg etc., My ability to cover all the extra care Elaine currently requires.. the thought of that is prevalent in my mind now.

Leg still hurts, but definitely on the mend. Limp still prevalent, and getting socks/shoes on/off right side still a grunting fest.. But feeling optimistic no Dr intervention will be required.

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8/30/24 9:50 AM

Side note: We got Elaine a Trek Dual Sport Plus EV bike last Sunday. Been sitting in the van. I expect my first back on bike with be on this and sooner with the assistance. Just in our sub division. The quad is too tight to bend the knee fully, but gotta get it's range back at some point. test EV assist bike today. ;)

Leg Dejour 6 days out after much melted ice, pretty much lividity.

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dan emery
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8/30/24 1:45 PM

I'm guessing you toss the bike and your body a fair amount when out of the saddle. I came across a rider lying in the road a couple months ago, with a broken femur. A much better rider than I, he was sprinting out of the saddle and just flopped. I know of another very good rider who has flopped sprinting as well. I suspect an extreme side to side style may not contribute to the pedal coming out, but may put you in an unstable position if it does.

I never get out of the saddle these days except to stretch my back (not for safety reasons, I just don't get any advantage out of it). Way back I remember pulling a pedal out in a sprint at the end of a race when down a half wheel, I just coasted across the line. It would have been a good excuse but I wouldn't have won anyway...:)

Best wishes to Elaine and to you.

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8/30/24 3:25 PM

Not so much a sprint, more of what you'd see some one attacting or closing a gap. So no wild swinging side to side, not about to throw bike or anything, I ride alone after all. Got thru congested area few turns and got on wide empty bike path with perfect surface. So just to get back to speed and get back sitting @ pace. But didnt get that far. :)

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Matthew Currie
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8/31/24 9:22 AM

It's been over ten years now, but I will put in my usual plug for Speedplay. A pretty unstylish climber in pretty hilly country, I spent a lot of time rocking out of the saddle, but never had an unclipping accident with them. But when the car hit me I went flying without the bike, and one of the few things I didn't break or sprain was my ankles. They seem to have gotten the right formula for staying on until they need to come off. Off the road and puttering about the back dirt ways and trails with SPD these days, but Speedplay still gets my vote for the road.

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8/31/24 11:31 AM

Just did some mowing, my lightest mower. ;) nutha few days hope to spin some.

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8/31/24 2:34 PM

Like I said, you're now in the technicolor bruise phase. Heat and compression and figure out ways to elevate your pulse. More blood flow means faster healing.

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9/4/24 1:48 PM

Day 11 took Elaine's new e-bike out in our sub division.

Managed couple miles in sub div. Was able to pedal all the way around stroke. See how quad feels after, if too soon or not. But felt ok, so far..

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9/9/24 4:39 PM

Got appt with PCP today.

Dr. happy with progress.

Sez fluid accumulation/bubble not worth draining, will absorb and zero chance of infection vs draining..

Walking way better, just feel like a Charliehorse @ this point. Although getting up from sitting give a radiating nerve pain that is not fun, but subsides quick. Dr sez not surprising.

Last edited by Sparky on 9/10/24 2:48 PM; edited 1 time in total

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Joined: 12 Jan 2004
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9/10/24 2:44 PM

This whole thing sounds like a lot more than a simple bruise. You done went down hard!

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9/10/24 2:50 PM

Agree. But not too serious, although at the edge of it certainly.

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dan emery
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9/11/24 4:26 PM

Looks a bit like what I got when I flopped in the Dempsey Challenge years ago (I had an undetected slow front flat and the tire rolled during a downhill lefty).

That caused broken ribs and a punctured lung, but by far the worst pain was in my hip, although nothing was broken and my total replacement prosthetic was not affected permanently. There was bruising and swelling like yours and for a couple days the pain was excruciating - I think the swelling and the replacement did not get along.

Then the swelling went down and the problem went away.

For a little humor, these events did not prevent me from fixing the flat (refusing help from a policeman and sag wagon) and riding the remaining 8 miles in the century...:)

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9/11/24 6:41 PM

I thought I'd be riding the last 8 miles back to my van. In 1/4 mile I clipped out right and one leg pedaled to luckily my friends another 1/2 mile. Limped in to his freezer and started icing it within prob 10-15 of impact.

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9/14/24 10:11 AM

Back to riding under own power albeit still short rides, but even got a hill in yesterday . It is obvious how different muscles getting sore that main quad not firing normal just yet. But riding doesn't make injury hurt more. So next ride 10 miles, horrah. :)

But inner thigh muscle reporting, each ride less post pedaling. The serous fluid accumulation last few days seem to have an acceorated reabsorbtion. Getting smaller daily now.

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9/14/24 1:59 PM

The end of the tunnel is in sight!

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