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1st ride after 3 weeks off.

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Joined: 08 Dec 2003
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Location: PDX

8/21/23 5:57 PM

1st ride after 3 weeks off.

1st chance to ride since I got back. I thought I'd suck eggs. Not only was that not the case, I felt nothing in my hips and a little in my ski knee.

It has me wondering if all that UK walk-about and power climbing castle spirals isn't good cross training.

With R8000 Di2 when in the small chain ring it won't let you use the 3 smallest cogs. I was getting to that point frequently today, having to big ring on a normal route this does not happen on so much. Usually this occurs less frequent unless I TT 30 or 50 milers. hmmm...

Now I am curious as to a better plan than riding every day I can...

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Joined: 11 Jan 2004
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8/21/23 11:21 PM

Rest is underated

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Joined: 09 Feb 2005
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8/23/23 7:50 AM

Second that. Rest can make such a difference. I hate resting, I want to ride all day every day, but when I do and come back I can feel the power in my legs...

<img src=>

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Joined: 08 Dec 2003
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8/23/23 9:37 AM

But this is what perplexes me, how much rest did I get ascending all those castle stairs? And we went over board on the castles. A few says before we returned the one had 4 narrow corner turret spirals with 6 stories of climbs, and we went up and down all of those and the big one the Lords and Ladies used as well.

I was aerobic the entire hour+ in there. Good cardio workout to be sure. I was proud @ 66 I was dropping everybody including young-uns. Why we all cycle, yo!


Still not got my PNW clock right yet. Today the 6th day, got up 4:19, yesterday was 3:15. Maybe we should flown the other way around the planet...

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Joined: 09 Feb 2005
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Location: Back in the snowy homeland

8/23/23 11:26 AM

Using your muscles in different ways. Cycling muscles got a rest but you still worked your cardiovascular system. Pro-level training, there, mate ;)

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Joined: 08 Dec 2003
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8/23/23 1:29 PM

Gotta rinse and repeat, once I figure out what I actually did.

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Nick Payne
Joined: 10 Jan 2004
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8/26/23 9:42 PM

As a friend who I used to do a lot of riding with said after losing enthusiasm and not riding for several months: "I'm tapering."

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Joined: 08 Dec 2003
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8/27/23 8:22 AM

"I'm tapering."

Is that what I am doing? I know it seems counter TTFer that we'd go to a big Pro bike race and not even rent a bike.... ;)

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dan emery
Joined: 11 Jan 2004
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8/27/23 9:55 AM

Me too!

On my virtually nonexistent schedule this year was BikeMaine Weekend this weekend, three days of riding from Bethel, ME (western mountains). I was actually in decent shape, then a week ago a glitch in my quad acted up, preventing me from even commuting. So I skipped the Weekend, and didn’t ride at all for a few days. Took an easy ride today, more-or-less OK.

I’m hoping to ride the Dempsey Challenge in a few weeks, so I figure I’ll ride easy until then, only increasing if the leg feels good. I could describe this preparation as “backing off so I hope I can limp through the event” but I definitely prefer “tapering”! Tapering for a non-competitive 65 miler, that is…

May work to my advantage if it prevents me from going out to fast, which I pretty much always do in these events….But realistically I’ll probably do it anyway…:)

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