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Spiritual Successor

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dan emery
Joined: 11 Jan 2004
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Location: Maine

5/20/13 2:39 PM

Spiritual Successor

Still a work in progress, but here's an iPhone shot of my "refurbished" Crosshairs (D2R2 attack vehicle). This started out as a 2001 Crosshairs, which I rode through many a winter. I customized it a bit for D2R2 type stuff with a VO retro 44/30 crank and a 12-32 cluster. I decided to get it painted, but the frame was a bit problematic with rust so they offered me a new frame at crash replacement cost. Deal. They kept and repainted the beautiful 531 fork. I added some new wheels with HED Belgium rims, have Clement cross tires I got last year. Still have the original Chorus 10 shifters, Paul brakes, Flite saddle. Definitely need new tape (pondering color), may lower the bars a bit (original stem was flatter, may go back to it as I'm not as fat as I used to be). Still tinkering, but I love this bike.

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Joined: 11 Jan 2004
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5/20/13 2:42 PM

nice ride!

big fan of orange-theme bikes!

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Joined: 08 Dec 2003
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5/20/13 4:44 PM

"big fan of orange-theme bikes!"

Me too!

Except TN cured me a little, Titans Orange every place you look in TN. And I pretty much have TN behind me, except orange is spoiled for me now. ;)

Bike looks great!

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Brian Kelly
Joined: 12 Jan 2004
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5/20/13 7:06 PM

Except TN cured me a little, Titans Orange every place you look in TN.

Titans orange?!? Did you really live in TN?

That's Volunteer Orange that you were seeing. Silly yankee, know your SEC colors! ;)

(Note: I'm a CT yankee myself, who learned quickly that football- no, SEC football- is a way of life around these parts)

And that Gunner looks awesome.

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Joined: 08 Dec 2003
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5/20/13 7:27 PM

I voluntarily left, but yes, a NJ Yankee in TN. It did not work for us, and I am guessing the indigenous folk didn't care if my Yankee doodle dandy hit me in the ars upon exit either. ;)

You obviously never saw my 2 year pissing and moaning campaign with my 'soon to flee kerfuffle' in my location... It was a long two years. ;)

Volunteer Orange. I think I could accept a Molteni Orange frame. That CX is in the Salmon family, also acceptable... ;)

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Joined: 11 Jan 2004
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5/20/13 7:47 PM

Cool bike. I once had a trio of orange bikes, but I'm down to one now, a lemond Poprad.

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dan emery
Joined: 11 Jan 2004
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5/20/13 7:52 PM

50 shades of orange

Molteni is excellent, I have a Molteni bike and the Gunnar was originally about that. This one is officially "Poppy" :). I don't think there is a bad orange. Sparky you need to get past your TN Trauma - giving up orange bikes is too big a sacrifice.

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Joined: 08 Dec 2003
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5/20/13 8:08 PM

If my red Poprad was orange it would be all right with me. Also be alright if it was a 59 and not a 57. But I tried... It is for sale...

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Joined: 11 Jan 2004
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5/20/13 10:08 PM

I like the Waterford orange which they call "Eddy Merckx Orange"
<a href="" title="Waterford 14-Series Vision frame with 1980's Eddy Merckx Orange styling by waterfordbikes, on Flickr"><img src="" width="771" height="800" alt="Waterford 14-Series Vision frame with 1980's Eddy Merckx Orange styling"></a>

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Andy M-S
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5/21/13 3:25 AM

Orange is always a good thing...

Wish I still had it:

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Joined: 11 Jan 2004
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5/21/13 7:36 AM

orange & chrome

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Joined: 08 Dec 2003
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5/21/13 9:14 AM

The 29er I traded for the Poprad was a great luminescent range. So I jest about the TN, I have healed. ;) [mostly, get er dun]]

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dan emery
Joined: 11 Jan 2004
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6/8/13 12:22 PM

Slight update

I added photos of the bike with some leather tape and my Iribe cages (functional art!). They are an extravagance, but I'm pretty sure I won't launch a bottle from them like I did last year on a long, hot dirt road ride. May still lower the bars a bit, otherwise it's in D2R2 trim.

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Dave B
Joined: 10 Jan 2004
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6/8/13 3:06 PM


One suggestion, invest in a can of Frame Saver or Amsoil HDMP and coat the interior of all the tubes, stays and fork blades. That will keep this bike from sharing the fate of its predecessor.

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dan emery
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6/8/13 3:32 PM


Well I may do that though I'm not sure internal coating would have prevented the problems the other frame had. It was perfectly rideable and would have continued to be, there were just a couple external spots they didn't want to repaint. And I rode that bike through the winters, which I won't do with this one. I definitely could have taken better care of it though - rode it hard through the winter and put it up wet. Still got 11 good years from it.

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Dave B
Joined: 10 Jan 2004
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6/8/13 4:24 PM

Still got 11 good years from it.

That's ok but a lot more is possible.

In 1999 I bought a used but low miles 1983 Trek 400 from a guy in my bike club who, as far as I could tell, had never had it out in the rain so the frame and fork were in perfect shape.

I used it as an indoor trainer bike for a couple of years and then converted it to my rain/winter/errand/beater bike and, as part of the conversion, did a very thorough interior tube treatment with Amsoil HDMP.

It spent the next 8 years being "rode hard and put up wet" routinely. This was awfully hard on drivetrains and wheels but didn't seem to bother the frame at all.

I temporarily retired it in 2010 and, in early 2012 I converted it to a fixie for my son-in-law and he rides it regularly.

So now the frame is 30 years old, still in regular use and still shows absolutely no signs of rust.

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