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Share the road, Mainers

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Joined: 04 Mar 2005
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6/5/13 5:56 PM

Share the road, Mainers

Hey fellow Mainers,

Watch WGME news tonight at 10 or 11 to see my local bike mechanic Jay Riley get interviewed about some harassment he received from a driver a couple of days ago. On his commute up to Brunswick a guy driving a truck laid on the horn while behind him on the narrow Martin's Point bridge. The guy then flew by him passing really close. This of course has happened to all of us many times, but luckily, Jay ended up seeing the truck parked later on and started videotaping it so he could report the license number--the guy verbally assaulted him and Jay caught it all on video. Magic of Facebook has led to the guy, who was stupidly wearing the shirt and driving the truck that advertised his business, losing all the local sponsors of his fishing show on local TV. Shipyard, Cabelas, DiMillos restaurant and other business have pulled the plug. Awesome story!! see for the whole story!

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Dave B
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6/5/13 7:20 PM

That's great! I've noticed I almost never get harassed, yelled at or passed too closely by someone driving a commercial vehicle with the company name on it. I wonder why? :)

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6/6/13 5:02 AM

news coverage

Choice quote from Cap'n Harkin "I would have been better off running him over".

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Brian Nystrom
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6/6/13 5:34 AM

The scary part... that he might just do it next time or inspire some other whack job to do so.

Based on the fact that he can't seem to avoid screwing himself with his big mouth and stupid comments, I expect he's in for lots of financial problems which will probably enrage him further. His will likely be a hard life, which serves him right!

Hats off to the cyclist for bringing this to light. If it wasn't for the video, it wouldn't be obvious that this guy is lying through his teeth when he gives his account. It will certainly serve as a warning to others that whatever you say may well be used against you and that abusive behavior won't be tolerated.

Last edited by Brian Nystrom on 6/6/13 10:34 AM; edited 1 time in total

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Joined: 04 Mar 2004
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6/6/13 7:46 AM

The "should have run him over" comment struck me as hyperbole, an attempt at irony. But what I found most encouraging and helpful was the anchor's final remarks about cyclists having the right to be on the road.

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dan emery
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6/6/13 8:11 AM


Either the guy has an extensive personal collection of legal reports or he was talking from his lawyer's office.

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Andy M-S
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6/6/13 8:24 AM

He had the standard background...

...of Martindale & Hubble volumes? ;-)

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Joined: 10 Jan 2004
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6/6/13 9:50 AM

Not Martindale. "Maine Reports". Old ones.

And I agree with Irzipris in handing it to the local news people, who ended their report by emphasizing explicitly that the cyclist had the right to use the entire lane while the roadway wsa narrowed by construction.

The driver's repeated statement in his "defense" is that he tapped the horn to let the cyclist know that there was a large vehicle behind him. If he were going to do as he should, which is wait back there until there's a safe place to pass, what reason could there be for the honk?

He really added another level when the video catches him yelling, "and you're probably gay, too!"

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Brian Nystrom
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6/6/13 10:39 AM

Yeah, I guess...

...that it wouldn't have been OK for him to harass a straight person.

The lawyer's office point is interesting, as it makes it even more obvious that his story was contrived. I'll have to watch the video again to see if there's evidence that he was reading anything as he spoke. Even if he wasn't, it's obvious that he was coached.

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Joined: 13 Dec 2003
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6/6/13 4:09 PM

Were the original cell phone video removed?

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6/6/13 4:37 PM


not sure if you need to be friends with Jay to see this but...

and the 2nd video with the "gay comment"

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6/6/13 7:32 PM

YouTube? I don't and won't FB.

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6/6/13 9:24 PM


latest news story on WGME


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Joined: 13 Dec 2003
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6/6/13 9:30 PM

YouTube? I don't and won't FB.

It's public. No need for account (I don't have one)

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dan emery
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6/7/13 4:10 AM

Front Page News

Front page, above the fold in this morning's Portland Press Herald:

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Andy M-S
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6/7/13 4:12 AM

Martindale (waaay off topic)

Many years ago I worked for the American Bar Foundation. Yes, lots of state and regional reporters in the library, but I always thought it interesting that the M-H volumes were bound like reporters. A nice way to establish an impressive bookcase a little faster than otherwise.

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Joined: 10 Jan 2004
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6/7/13 8:31 AM

Continuing off-topic

Now that all the case reporters and other legal research materials are online, what does a lawyer starting up a practice do to create a proper background office wall? Buy an old collection at an estate sale?

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dan emery
Joined: 11 Jan 2004
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6/7/13 8:43 AM

background wall

>>Now that all the case reporters and other legal research materials are online, what does a lawyer starting up a practice do to create a proper background office wall?<<

Ha ha good question. I do see collections of reporters offered when practices close, etc., but it would be rather extreme to buy one as a visual prop. I actually have never had a wall like that. I have one bookcase which is now in my personal office which is upstairs and never seen by the public. It is filled with a motley collection of mostly aged materials, including Law School Casebooks, a couple Law Review volumes, Black's Law Dictionary, etc.

Maybe now you'd just show the lawyer looking at his iPhone.

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Joined: 10 Jan 2004
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Location: Glastonbury, Ct

6/7/13 9:41 AM

"Maybe now you'd just show the lawyer looking at his iPhone."

Ha. Or if you want to show off that it's an expensive high-zoot firm, a big expensive-looking hi-res flat-screen monitor.

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Andy M-S
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6/7/13 11:01 AM


...looking over the shoulder of an associate looking at a big flat-screen monitor.

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