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Hardy update ?

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Joined: 08 Dec 2003
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1/11/13 9:29 PM

Hardy update ?

How we feeling Hercules??

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Joined: 11 Jan 2004
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Location: Needham outside of Boston - the hub of the universe

1/12/13 1:06 PM

Thanks for the inquiry

Doing okay, started work last week walking to and from the train each way. already putting in OT. I get tired by the time I get home but still get on the trainer for a little work. I see the surgeon this Thursday to check on the collarbone. Hope to begin PT after that.I am supposed to be in the sling, but it is hard to do if you want to get any work done like typing. If I reflect back I have come a long long way. Upper ribs (just under my right armpit still sore, back a mess scapula sticking out and gets sore easily if I am not sitting or leaning against a wall to support things. Pete H suggested that I ask for massage along with a PT script that is a great idea to straighten out the back muscles..I hope this is all temporary as this continues to be an issue with just a little improvement. I know I am getting better as I am chafing to get training, It is hard through all this to watch my fitness melt away. Kept weight down and was proud of that until I mentioned it to the Nurse Practitioner, who said yes that is the loss of muscle mass...ouch.. Around this time of year I am usually doing a LOT of Bill Black "Hour of Power"power training intervals on the Computrainer. Now it is just spinning on the CT for 30 - 60 mins, did get my HR up to a whole 150 bpm on Thursday night. Mild weather makes me miss the road. I saw that a guy I had finished in front of earlier in the cross season and was close to him in other races came in 11th in my age group at cross nats on Thursday that hurts. I do have a very funny feeling come over me when I see guys commuting to work in downtown Boston a mix of jealousy and cringing about riding in traffic...Won't be doing any early season racing this year I am guessing Looking forward to defending with Dan our two man TT in his neck of the woods in the summer... Thanks for everyone support I have to just take things day by day....

Last edited by rickhardy on 1/12/13 1:29 PM; edited 1 time in total

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dan emery
Joined: 11 Jan 2004
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1/12/13 1:24 PM

Hour of Power?

Is Bill getting all religious on us? Actually maybe I should try that workout, mine is called the "Preakness of Weakness."

Hang in there Rick, I'm working my way through a blueberry pie in your honor.

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Joined: 08 Dec 2003
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1/12/13 4:16 PM

Time will pass faster than it seems like now, and I am sure at the perceived rate prior to your CT mount. ;)

Hang in there!!

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Brian Nystrom
Joined: 26 Jan 2004
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1/12/13 4:38 PM

In the overall scheme of things...

...after and accident like that, you're lucky to be alive and capable of stringing together coherent sentences. It sounds like you're past the steepest part of the recovery curve and you'll be back on the bike in no time.

Linda is grating a bit about 'cross Nationals too, but the conditions were apparently horrendous, with lots of ice and snow, and mud over ice and snow (as one would expect in Wisconsin in January), so she probably wouldn't have enjoyed it anyway. the memories of dislocating her finger on that course last year, are still pretty fresh in her mind. Poor "pinky" now sports a permanent bend.

It seems to me that we either need to hold the Nationals somewhere warmer or allow riders to use studded tires. 'Cross bikes really suck on ice. Linda mentioned reading about one guy who fell on ice on a descent and passed several riders as he slid down the hill, still attached to his bike. That must have been hilarious! Who knows, maybe it will become known as "Madison Technique"...

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Joined: 11 Jan 2004
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Location: Needham outside of Boston - the hub of the universe

1/12/13 5:12 PM

Thanks Brian for your well wishes

I appreciate them Here!s hoping Linda is doing well. Ya conditions from what I read we're pretty bad certainly later in the day when it would get colder, cost Paul Curley another championship as he went down numerous times. That said the guy I mentioned was ahead of Richard Sachs and Richard is a better rider, so I suspect the conditions affected his race as well

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Brian Nystrom
Joined: 26 Jan 2004
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Location: Nashua, NH

1/13/13 10:16 AM

Thanks Rick

Linda is walking again and rapidly regaining ankle flexibility. We returned the auto-tranny car she was borrowing last night, retrieved her stick-equipped Passat and she's happily clutching again. Today will probably be her first attempt to use her regular riding shoes and cleats on the trainer, as she feels comfortable that twisting out of the pedal won't be a problem. I expect that she'll be back on the road next month, weather permitting.

Linda says "thanks and good health to you."

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